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The role of family members in the prevention of violent extremism and terrorism: A scoping review of the literature
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2024.101990
Karyn Sporer , Brooke Buxton

Researchers across disciplines have examined different facets of the violent radicalization pathway, generating an expansive collection of policy recommendations for prevention of violent extremism and terrorism. One important feature of prevention is community engagement, including a community member's ability and willingness to report indicators of radicalization and mobilization to violence. In this scoping review, we present a summation of the literature on what promotes or discourages a family member's ability to both understand indicators of radicalization and to engage in intervention attempts. Our review is organized into two primary categories: (1) observed, missed, and misunderstood warning signs, and (2) intervention attempts at home and by family members. We conclude our review with implications for policy and future research. We recommend a public health approach that acknowledges the urgent need for trauma-informed care, access to emotional and therapeutic services, and increased availability to educational resources about the radicalization pathway.


