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Weather, heritage, and memory
WIREs Climate Change ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-23 , DOI: 10.1002/wcc.913
George Adamson 1 , Jessica Rapson 2

Sense of place and identity are related to the weather, and to memories and perceptions of what constitutes “normal” weather for a particular place. Weather is an important ingredient of cultural life; thus, long‐term changes to weather patterns can affect sense of place and sense of reality, although these changes will not be experienced uniformly. We argue that weather and climate should thus be considered forms of intangible cultural heritage, which we refer to as weather‐heritage. Drawing attention to place‐specific weather‐heritage that is threatened by climate change may increase support for mitigation and adaptation policies and encourage behavior change from individuals and governments. A heritage/memory lens can also draw attention to the ways in which lost weather‐heritage should be memorialized, ensuring that the right to memory of lost weather‐heritage is maintained. We therefore argue for a new research focus on weather‐heritage and memory, to understand how people remember and ascribe significance to particular weather types and patterns, and to document weather‐heritage that has been lost or is likely to be lost as climate changes. One purpose of this research should be to ensure that weather‐heritage is plural and does not become a majoritarian and exclusionary exercise in uncritical nostalgia.This article is categorized under: Climate, History, Society, Culture > Ideas and Knowledge Perceptions, Behavior, and Communication of Climate Change > Perceptions of Climate Change Trans‐disciplinary Perspectives > Humanities and the Creative Arts



地方感和认同感与天气有关,也与对特定地点“正常”天气的记忆和感知有关。天气是文化生活的重要组成部分;因此,天气模式的长期变化会影响地方感和现实感,尽管这些变化不会被一致地经历。因此,我们认为天气和气候应被视为非物质文化遗产的形式,我们将其称为天气遗产。提请人们注意受气候变化威胁的特定地点的天气遗产可能会增加对缓解和适应政策的支持,并鼓励个人和政府改变行为。遗产/记忆镜头还可以引起人们对失去的天气遗产的纪念方式的关注,确保对失去的天气遗产的记忆权得到维护。因此,我们主张将新的研究重点放在天气遗产和记忆上,以了解人们如何记住特定天气类型和模式并赋予其重要性,并记录随着气候变化而丢失或可能丢失的天气遗产。这项研究的一个目的应该是确保天气遗产是多元的,并且不会成为不加批判的怀旧情绪中的多数主义和排他性行为。本文分类如下:气候、历史、社会、文化%3E思想和知识观念、行为、气候变化与传播 > 对气候变化的看法 跨学科视角 > 人文与创意艺术