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Journal of Educational Psychology
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Latent profiles as predictors of response to instruction for students with reading difficulties.
Journal of Educational Psychology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-02 , DOI: 10.1037/edu0000832 P A Kulesz 1, 2 , G J Roberts 3 , D J Francis 1, 2 , P Cirino 1, 2 , M Walczak 2 , S Vaughn 4
Journal of Educational Psychology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-02 , DOI: 10.1037/edu0000832 P A Kulesz 1, 2 , G J Roberts 3 , D J Francis 1, 2 , P Cirino 1, 2 , M Walczak 2 , S Vaughn 4
The program code developed by others is appropriately cited in the text and listed in the references section. The raw and processed data on which study conclusions are based are not available. The statistical syntax needed to reproduce analyses in the article is available upon request. The methods section provides references for the materials described therein. We report how we determined our sample size, all data exclusions, all manipulations, and all measures in the study, and we follow APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards. This study's design, hypotheses, and data analytic plan were not pre-registered. Prior research supports the need for elementary-aged students with reading difficulties (RD) to receive explicit systematic small group evidence-based reading instruction. Yet for many students, simply receiving an evidence-based reading instruction in a small group setting is insufficient to reach the progress milestones needed to meet grade level reading standards. The current study examined whether: (1) elementary school students with RD constitute a homogeneous or heterogeneous groups when considering their basic language and cognitive skills (using a latent profile analysis), and (2) if latent profiles are predictive of response to reading comprehension instruction (using a mixed modeling approach). The sample consisted of 335 students, including students with RD and typical students (n = 57). The results revealed heterogeneity within students with RD - there were two distinct profiles, with one having higher basic language (reading fluency and decoding) and cognitive (verbal domain productivity, cognitive flexibility, working memory) skills and lower attention skills, and the other having stronger attention skills and lower basic language and cognitive skills. The findings also suggested that latent profiles were predictive of response to reading comprehension instruction. Our results provide a convincing argument for leading the field in the direction of developing customized interventions. It is conceivable, but remains to be further examined, that researchers and educators could potentially improve reading outcomes through providing a customized reading intervention to a student based on their cognitive-language profile.
其他人开发的程序代码在正文中适当引用并在参考文献部分列出。研究结论所依据的原始数据和处理后的数据不可用。重现文章中的分析所需的统计语法可根据要求提供。方法部分提供了其中描述的材料的参考。我们报告如何确定研究中的样本量、所有数据排除、所有操作和所有措施,并遵循 APA 风格期刊文章报告标准。本研究的设计、假设和数据分析计划均未预先注册。先前的研究支持有阅读困难(RD)的小学生需要接受明确、系统的小组循证阅读指导。然而,对于许多学生来说,仅仅在小组环境中接受基于证据的阅读指导不足以达到满足年级阅读标准所需的进步里程碑。当前的研究探讨了:(1) 患有 RD 的小学生在考虑他们的基本语言和认知技能时是否构成同质或异质群体(使用潜在概况分析),以及 (2) 潜在概况是否可以预测对阅读理解的反应指令(使用混合建模方法)。样本由 335 名学生组成,其中包括 RD 学生和典型学生 (n = 57)。 结果揭示了 RD 学生的异质性——有两种不同的特征,一种具有较高的基本语言(阅读流畅性和解码)和认知(语言领域生产力、认知灵活性、工作记忆)技能和较低的注意力技能,另一种则具有较低的注意力技能。更强的注意力技能和更低的基本语言和认知技能。研究结果还表明,潜在特征可以预测对阅读理解教学的反应。我们的结果为引领该领域开发定制干预措施提供了令人信服的论据。可以想象,但仍有待进一步检验,研究人员和教育工作者可以通过根据学生的认知语言概况为学生提供定制的阅读干预来改善阅读结果。

其他人开发的程序代码在正文中适当引用并在参考文献部分列出。研究结论所依据的原始数据和处理后的数据不可用。重现文章中的分析所需的统计语法可根据要求提供。方法部分提供了其中描述的材料的参考。我们报告如何确定研究中的样本量、所有数据排除、所有操作和所有措施,并遵循 APA 风格期刊文章报告标准。本研究的设计、假设和数据分析计划均未预先注册。先前的研究支持有阅读困难(RD)的小学生需要接受明确、系统的小组循证阅读指导。然而,对于许多学生来说,仅仅在小组环境中接受基于证据的阅读指导不足以达到满足年级阅读标准所需的进步里程碑。当前的研究探讨了:(1) 患有 RD 的小学生在考虑他们的基本语言和认知技能时是否构成同质或异质群体(使用潜在概况分析),以及 (2) 潜在概况是否可以预测对阅读理解的反应指令(使用混合建模方法)。样本由 335 名学生组成,其中包括 RD 学生和典型学生 (n = 57)。 结果揭示了 RD 学生的异质性——有两种不同的特征,一种具有较高的基本语言(阅读流畅性和解码)和认知(语言领域生产力、认知灵活性、工作记忆)技能和较低的注意力技能,另一种则具有较低的注意力技能。更强的注意力技能和更低的基本语言和认知技能。研究结果还表明,潜在特征可以预测对阅读理解教学的反应。我们的结果为引领该领域开发定制干预措施提供了令人信服的论据。可以想象,但仍有待进一步检验,研究人员和教育工作者可以通过根据学生的认知语言概况为学生提供定制的阅读干预来改善阅读结果。