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Assessing Relative Linguistic Impairment With Model-Based Item Selection.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-12 , DOI: 10.1044/2024_jslhr-23-00439
Grant M Walker 1 , Julius Fridriksson 2 , Gregory Hickok 1, 3

PURPOSE A picture naming test is presented that reveals impairment to specific mechanisms involved in the naming process, using accuracy scores on curated item sets. A series of psychometric validation experiments are reported. METHOD Using a computational model that enables estimation of item difficulty at the lexical and sublexical stages of word retrieval, two complimentary sets of items were constructed that challenge the respective psycholinguistic levels of representation. The difference in accuracy between these item sets yields the relative linguistic impairment (RLI) score. In a cohort of 91 people with chronic left-hemisphere stroke who enrolled in a clinical trial for anomia, we assessed psychometric properties of the RLI score and then used the new scale to make predictions about other language behaviors, lesion distributions, and functional activation during naming. RESULTS RLI scores had adequate psychometric properties for clinical significance. RLI scores contained predictive information about spontaneous speech fluency, over and above accuracy. A dissociation was observed between performance on the RLI item sets and performance on the subtests of an independent language battery. Sublexical RLI was significantly associated with apraxia of speech and with lesions encompassing perisylvian regions, while lexical RLI was associated with lesions to deep white matter. The RLI construct was reflected in functional brain activity during naming, independent of overall accuracy, with a respective shift of activation between dorsal and ventral networks responsible for different aspects of word retrieval. CONCLUSION The RLI assessment satisfies the psychometric requirements to serve as a useful clinical measure.



目的提出图片命名测试,使用策划项目集的准确度分数来揭示命名过程中涉及的特定机制的损害。报告了一系列心理测量验证实验。方法使用能够估计单词检索的词汇和词汇下阶段的项目难度的计算模型,构建了两组互补的项目,挑战各自的心理语言学表征水平。这些项目集之间的准确度差异产生相对语言障碍 (RLI) 分数。在一项由 91 名患有慢性左半球中风的患者组成的队列中,他们参加了一项针对贫血的临床试验,我们评估了 RLI 评分的心理测量特性,然后使用新的量表来预测治疗期间的其他语言行为、病变分布和功能激活。命名。结果 RLI 评分具有足够的心理测量特性,具有临床意义。 RLI 分数包含有关自发言语流畅性和准确性的预测信息。观察到 RLI 项目集的表现与独立语言电池的子测试的表现之间存在分离。词汇下 RLI 与言语失用和周围侧裂区域的病变显着相关,而词汇 RLI 与深部白质病变相关。 RLI 结构反映在命名过程中的功能性大脑活动中,与整体准确性无关,背侧网络和腹侧网络之间的激活分别负责单词检索的不同方面。结论 RLI 评估满足心理测量的要求,可以作为一种有用的临床测量方法。