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The Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Compared to Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics ( IF 16.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-10 , DOI: 10.1159/000538404
Nele Assmann 1, 2 , Anja Schaich 1, 2 , Arnoud Arntz 3 , Till Wagner 1 , Philipp Herzog 1, 4, 5 , Daniel Alvarez-Fischer 1, 6 , Valerija Sipos 1 , Kamila Jauch-Chara 1, 2 , Jan Philipp Klein 1 , Michael Hüppe 7 , Ulrich Schweiger 1 , Eva Fassbinder 1, 2

INTRODUCTION In the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD), there is empirical support for both dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and schema therapy (ST); these treatments have never been compared directly. This study examines whether either of them is more effective than the other in treating patients with BPD. METHODS In this randomized, parallel-group, rater-blind clinical trial, outpatients aged between 18 and 65 years with a primary diagnosis of BPD were recruited in a tertiary outpatient treatment center (Lübeck, Germany). Participants were randomized to DBT or ST with one individual and one group session per week over 1.5 years. The primary outcome was the BPD symptom severity assessed with the mean score of the Borderline Personality Disorder Severity Index at 1-year naturalistic follow-up. RESULTS Between November 26, 2014, and December 14, 2018, we enrolled 164 patients (mean age = 33.7 [SD = 10.61] years). Of these, 81 (49.4%) were treated with ST and 83 (50.6%) with DBT, overall, 130 (79.3%) were female. Intention-to-treat analysis with generalized linear mixed models did not show a significant difference at 1-year naturalistic follow-up between DBT and ST for the BPDSI total score (mean difference 3.32 [95% CI: -0.58-7.22], p = 0.094, d = -24 [-0.69; 0.20]) with lower scores for DBT. Pre-to-follow-up effect sizes were large in both groups (DBT: d = 2.45 [1.88-3.02], ST: d = 1.78 [1.26-2.29]). CONCLUSION Patients in both treatment groups showed substantial improvements indicating that even severely affected patients with BPD and various comorbid disorders can be treated successfully with DBT and ST. An additional non-inferiority trial is needed to show if both treatments are equally effective. The trial was retrospectively registered on the German Clinical Trials Register, DRKS00011534 without protocol changes.



引言 在边缘型人格障碍 (BPD) 的治疗中,辩证行为疗法 (DBT) 和图式疗法 (ST) 都有实证支持;这些治疗方法从未被直接比较过。本研究检查了它们中的任何一种在治疗 BPD 患者方面是否比另一种更有效。方法 在这项随机、平行组、评分者盲法临床试验中,在三级门诊治疗中心(德国吕贝克)招募了年龄在 18 至 65 岁之间且初步诊断为 BPD 的门诊患者。参与者被随机分配到 DBT 或 ST 组,在 1.5 年内每周进行一次单独和一次小组治疗。主要结局是在 1 年自然主义随访中用边缘型人格障碍严重程度指数的平均评分评估的 BPD 症状严重程度。结果 在 2014 年 11 月 26 日至 2018 年 12 月 14 日期间,我们招募了 164 名患者 (平均年龄 = 33.7 [SD = 10.61] 岁)。其中,81 例 (49.4%) 接受 ST 治疗,83 例 (50.6%) 接受 DBT 治疗,总体而言,130 例 (79.3%) 为女性。使用广义线性混合模型的意向性治疗分析未显示 DBT 和 ST 在 BPDSI 总分 (平均差异 3.32 [95% CI: -0.58-7.22],p = 0.094,d = -24 [-0.69; 0.20])方面存在显著差异,DBT 评分较低。两组的随访前效应量都很大 (DBT: d = 2.45 [1.88-3.02], ST: d = 1.78 [1.26-2.29])。结论 两个治疗组的患者都表现出实质性的改善,表明即使是受严重影响的 BPD 和各种合并症患者也可以用 DBT 和 ST 成功治疗。需要一项额外的非劣效性试验来显示两种治疗是否同样有效。 该试验在德国临床试验注册库(German Clinical Trials Register)上进行了回顾性注册,DRKS00011534没有改变方案。