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Spatial patterns in chlorophyll a concentration during the winter–spring periods in the Barents Sea
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2024.103332
Vladimir G. Dvoretsky , Veronika V. Vodopianova , Aleksandra S. Bulavina , Ivan A. Pastukhov

Climatic fluctuations have been documented to strongly affect Arctic marine ecosystems. Plankton assemblages serve as the most sensitive indicators of such environmental forcing. We conducted a study to investigate the spatial variability of chlorophyll (Chl-a) concentration during two pre-bloom periods (March–April 2021 and February–March 2022) in relation to the distribution of different water masses and associated properties. The upper 50 m layer of the water column was homogeneous and stable, characterized by high nutrient concentrations. Our mapping of the Barents Sea based on Chl-a concentrations revealed low estimates during the winter period. In contrast, two distinct Chl-a peaks were observed in the spring. The first region with high Chl-a concentrations was identified in Murmansk Coastal Water and Atlantic Water (0.7–1.4 mg m), reflecting the positive impact of the frontal zone between these interacting water masses. The second region with elevated Chl-a concentrations (0.9–1.1 mg m) was located in Kolguev-Pechora Water near the southeastern ice edge. Cold water regions (Barents Sea Water, Arctic Water, Novaya Zemlya Coastal Water) exhibited low spring Chl-a concentrations (0.03–0.3 mg m). Generalized additive models identified hydrological variables (temperature and salinity), dissolved oxygen content, and nutrient concentrations (nitrite, nitrate, phosphate) as significant predictors explaining a substantial portion of the Chl-a variability.



据记录,气候波动严重影响北极海洋生态系统。浮游生物组合是这种环境强迫最敏感的指标。我们进行了一项研究,调查两个开花前时期(2021 年 3 月至 4 月和 2022 年 2 月至 3 月)叶绿素 (Chl-a) 浓度的空间变异性与不同水团分布和相关特性的关系。水柱上层 50 m 层均匀稳定,营养盐浓度高。我们根据叶绿素 a 浓度绘制的巴伦支海地图显示,冬季期间的估计值较低。相比之下,在春季观察到两个不同的叶绿素a 峰。第一个叶绿素 a 浓度较高的区域是在摩尔曼斯克沿海水体和大西洋水体中发现的(0.7-1.4 mg m),反映了这些相互作用的水团之间的锋区的积极影响。第二个叶绿素 a 浓度升高(0.9–1.1 mg m)的区域位于靠近东南冰缘的科尔格耶夫-伯朝拉水域。冷水地区(巴伦支海、北极水、新地岛沿海水)泉水叶绿素 a 浓度较低(0.03–0.3 mg m)。广义加性模型将水文变量(温度和盐度)、溶解氧含量和营养物浓度(亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐、磷酸盐)确定为解释大部分叶绿素变化的重要预测因子。