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Mid-infrared high-resolution dual-comb spectroscopy: Intensity, broadening, and beyond-Voigt parameters of [formula omitted] and [formula omitted] lines
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109149
Nicolas Dricot , Bastien Vispoel , Muriel Lepère

Using a high-resolution mid-infrared dual-comb spectrometer operating in the 1300 cm spectral region, spectra of acetylene were recorded at room temperature. Spectroscopic parameters were measured in 3 vibrational bands of both and . Absolute line intensities () and self-broadening coefficients () were determined in the , and bands. For the main isotopologue, the collisional narrowing coefficients () as well as the speed-dependence of the broadening () and shifting () coefficients were measured in the band of the main isotopologue of acetylene. Theoretical line-shape models were fitted on experimental profiles using a homemade multi-spectrum fitting procedure to determine spectroscopic parameters. Excellent agreement with the literature was found for self-broadening coefficients and absolute line intensities in the band of . For the hot bands, good agreement with the literature is found within experimental uncertainties, while of those hot bands are also reported for the first time. Similarly, the rotational dependence of is found to be close to previous works. and of , as well as and of are also reported for the first time in this band.



使用在 1300 cm 光谱区工作的高分辨率中红外双梳光谱仪,在室温下记录了乙炔的光谱。在 和 的 3 个振动带中测量了光谱参数。绝对线强度 () 和自展宽系数 () 在 、 和 波段中确定。对于主要同位素体,在乙炔的主要同位素体谱带中测量了碰撞窄化系数 () 以及加宽 () 和移动 () 系数的速度依赖性。使用自制的多光谱拟合程序将理论线形模型拟合到实验轮廓上以确定光谱参数。频带内的自展宽系数和绝对线强度与文献非常一致。对于热带,在实验不确定性范围内与文献有很好的一致性,同时这些热带也是首次报道。类似地,发现 的旋转依赖性与之前的工作接近。和 of 、以及 和 of 也是该频段中首次报道。