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Continuum of Preshock to Classic Cardiogenic Shock in the Critical Care Cardiology Trials Network Registry
JACC: Heart Failure ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2024.06.009
Siddharth M Patel 1 , David D Berg 1 , Erin A Bohula 1 , Vivian M Baird-Zars 1 , Jeong-Gun Park 1 , Christopher F Barnett 2 , Lori B Daniels 3 , Christopher B Fordyce 4 , Shahab Ghafghazi 5 , Michael J Goldfarb 6 , Kari Gorder 7 , Younghoon Kwon 8 , Evan Leibner 9 , Venu Menon 10 , Brian J Potter 11 , Rajnish Prasad 12 , Michael A Solomon 13 , Jeffrey J Teuteberg 14 , Andrea D Thompson 15 , Sammy Zakaria 16 , Jason N Katz 17 , Sean van Diepen 18 , David A Morrow 1

The prognostic implications of phenotypes along the preshock to cardiogenic shock (CS) continuum remain uncertain.



从休克前到心源性休克 (CS) 连续体的表型的预后意义仍不确定。