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Exploring the quintessential influence on shadows of black holes in Finsler-Hayward geometry
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138963
Manjunath Malligawad , S.K. Narasimhamurthy , Z. Nekouee

This research aims to shed light on how the quintessential dark energy influences the shadows cast by black holes by considering different kinds of surrounding accretion profiles within the framework of Finsler-Hayward geometry. We explore the impact of the Finsler parameter (η) and the quintessence parameter (ω) on fundamental properties of the black hole, such as its horizons, photon sphere, and impact parameter. By examining the observed characteristics of the black hole's shadow, including the photon ring and shadow intensities, we analyze how the quintessence affects these features under varying scenarios of matter accretion. Leveraging observational data from the Event Horizon Telescope, exclusively focusing on celestial bodies such as Sgr A* and M87*, we narrow down the range of the Finsler parameter (η) within our model of quintessence-infused Finsler Hayward black holes. By comparing our findings with models such as Finsler Schwarzschild, with and without the quintessence Finsler Hayward black holes, we observe that the quintessence's influence on the black hole's shadow surpasses the effects attributed to regularity. This study contributes to our insight into how the Finsler parameter and the quintessence of dark energy shape the shadows of black holes in diverse accretion environments, shedding light on their intricate nature and behavior, particularly in the context of Finsler Hayward geometry.



这项研究旨在通过考虑芬斯勒-海沃德几何框架内不同类型的周围吸积剖面,揭示典型的暗能量如何影响黑洞投射的阴影。我们探讨了芬斯勒参数(η)和本质参数(ω)对黑洞基本属性(如视界、光子球和撞击参数)的影响。通过检查观测到的黑洞阴影特征,包括光子环和阴影强度,我们分析了在不同的物质吸积情况下,本质如何影响这些特征。利用事件视界望远镜的观测数据,专门关注人马座 A* 和 M87* 等天体,我们缩小了注入精髓的芬斯勒·海沃德黑洞模型中芬斯勒参数 (η) 的范围。通过将我们的发现与芬斯勒史瓦西等模型进行比较,无论是否有芬斯勒海沃德黑洞的精髓,我们观察到精髓对黑洞阴影的影响超过了规律性的影响。这项研究有助于我们深入了解芬斯勒参数和暗能量的精髓如何在不同的吸积环境中塑造黑洞的阴影,揭示它们复杂的性质和行为,特别是在芬斯勒·海沃德几何的背景下。