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LCA and energy efficiency in buildings: Mapping more than twenty years of research
Energy and Buildings ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114684
F. Asdrubali , A. Fronzetti Colladon , L. Segneri , D.M. Gandola

Research on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is being conducted in various sectors, from analyzing building materials and components to comprehensive evaluations of entire structures. However, reviews of the existing literature have been unable to provide a comprehensive overview of research in this field, leaving scholars without a definitive guideline for future investigations. This paper aims to fill this gap, mapping more than twenty years of research. Using an innovative methodology that combines social network analysis and text mining, the paper examined 8024 scientific abstracts. The authors identified seven key thematic groups, building and sustainability clusters (BSCs). To assess their significance in the broader discourse on building and sustainability, the semantic brand score (SBS) indicator was applied. Additionally, t building and sustainability trends were tracked, focusing on the LCA concept. The major research topics mainly relate to building materials and energy efficiency. In addition to presenting an innovative approach to reviewing extensive literature domains, the article also provides insights into emerging and underdeveloped themes, outlining crucial future research directions.


LCA 和建筑能源效率:二十多年的研究成果

生命周期评估(LCA)研究正在各个领域进行,从分析建筑材料和部件到对整个结构的综合评估。然而,对现有文献的回顾无法提供该领域研究的全面概述,使得学者们对未来的研究缺乏明确的指导。本文旨在填补这一空白,绘制了二十多年的研究成果。该论文使用结合了社交网络分析和文本挖掘的创新方法,检查了 8024 份科学摘要。作者确定了七个关键主题组:建筑和可持续发展集群 (BSC)。为了评估它们在更广泛的建筑和可持续性讨论中的重要性,应用了语义品牌评分(SBS)指标。此外,还跟踪了建筑和可持续发展趋势,重点关注 LCA 概念。主要研究课题主要涉及建筑材料和能源效率。除了提出一种创新方法来回顾广泛的文献领域外,本文还提供了对新兴和欠发达主题的见解,概述了未来的重要研究方向。