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Refrigerant leakage detection in building heat pump systems based on dynamic modeling and sensitivity parameters
Energy and Buildings ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114669
Yanfeng Zhao , Zhao Yang , Zhaoning Hou , Shuping Zhang , Yansong Hu , Yue Shu

Refrigerant leakage, a common problem in building heat pump systems, reduces operational efficiency, increases energy consumption, and raises greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to environmental degradation and energy loss. This research developed a dynamic modeling simulation platform for building heat pump systems, focusing on Water-to-Water Heat Pumps (WWHP). The WWHP system simulation investigated variations in temperature, pressure, and capacity under normal operation and refrigerant leakage scenarios. To assess the model’s accuracy, an experimental setup involving a WWHP system was used to observe changes related to refrigerant charge and leakage. A Python-based program for refrigerant charging and leakage detection was developed by integrating the sensitivity of key parameters across systems with specific evaluation metrics. This simulation was validated using experimental data from the WWHP system, showing average relative errors in pressure and capacity of 4.12 % and 4.66 %, respectively, with an average temperature deviation of 2.3 °C when altering the refrigerant charge. Under leakage conditions, the pressure and temperature values were 7.27 % and 2.7 °C, respectively. When replacing refrigerant R134a with R513A, the relative errors remained at the same level. The simulation identified 12.2 kg as the optimal refrigerant charge under standard test conditions, noting that undercharging reduces capacity while overcharging has minimal impact due to the accumulator’s presence. The high-temperature and high-pressure sections in the WWHP system exhibited significant sensitivity. Although the detection program successfully identified the charge state using generated datasets, it failed to detect microleakage due to the brief duration of these datasets. Detection efficacy was affected by small leakage sizes and low operating pressures and temperatures, with an average detection time of approximately 26 min.



制冷剂泄漏是建筑热泵系统中的一个常见问题,它会降低运行效率,增加能源消耗,并增加温室气体排放,导致环境恶化和能源损失。这项研究开发了一个用于构建热泵系统的动态建模仿真平台,重点关注水对水热泵(WWHP)。 WWHP 系统模拟研究了正常运行和制冷剂泄漏情况下温度、压力和容量的变化。为了评估模型的准确性,使用了涉及 WWHP 系统的实验装置来观察与制冷剂充注和泄漏相关的变化。通过将跨系统关键参数的敏感性与特定的评估指标相结合,开发了基于 Python 的制冷剂充注和泄漏检测程序。该模拟使用来自 WWHP 系统的实验数据进行了验证,结果显示,改变制冷剂充注量时,压力和容量的平均相对误差分别为 4.12% 和 4.66%,平均温度偏差为 2.3 °C。在泄漏条件下,压力和温度值分别为 7.27 % 和 2.7 °C。当用 R513A 替换制冷剂 R134a 时,相对误差保持在相同水平。模拟确定 12.2 千克为标准测试条件下的最佳制冷剂充注量,并指出充注不足会降低容量,而由于蓄能器的存在,充注过多的影响最小。 WWHP系统中的高温高压部分表现出显着的敏感性。尽管检测程序使用生成的数据集成功识别了电荷状态,但由于这些数据集的持续时间较短,因此未能检测到微泄漏。 检测效果受到小泄漏尺寸以及低操作压力和温度的影响,平均检测时间约为 26 分钟。