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The impact of changes in daylight illuminance levels on architectural experiences in office environments using virtual reality and electroencephalogram
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110487
Pegah Payedar-Ardakani , Yousef Gorji-Mahlabani , Abdul Hamid Ghanbaran , Reza Ebrahimpour

This study investigates the influence of varying daylight illuminance levels on architectural experiences in a virtual office environment. Integrating subjective assessments and electroencephalogram (EEG) data, we aim to comprehensively understand how illuminance impacts emotional and neurophysiological responses. The experiment exposes participants to nine illuminance levels, ranging from 66 to 1500 lux, to discern optimal conditions for different architectural experiences. Subjective evaluations, gathered via questionnaires, required participants to rate the perceived pleasantness, interest, excitement, calmness, and spaciousness. Simultaneously, EEG data was recorded to analyze neurophysiological changes associated with different illuminance conditions. The results showed that the power of the α and θ band at channels in the parietal and centro-parietal regions had statistically significant differences under nine daylight illuminance levels. Illuminance changes activated brain regions associated with cognitive functions. The relative power of α band at the parietal region were negatively correlated with the subjective evaluation, and was relatively low at levels between 300 and 900 lux, indicative of heightened pleasantness, interest, spaciousness, with the peak experience occurring in the 700–900 lux range. Illuminance exceeding 1300 lux, conversely, correlated with increased absolute power of the alpha band, suggesting heightened arousal, while levels below 300 lux led to decreased arousal and increased calmness. By integrating neurophysiological measures with subjective evaluations, we gain a nuanced understanding of how illuminance affects emotional and cognitive responses. This research may provide a reference for the selection of office illuminance levels for employees during high-intensity mental work and rest.



本研究调查了不同日光照度水平对虚拟办公环境中建筑体验的影响。结合主观评估和脑电图(EEG)数据,我们的目标是全面了解照度如何影响情绪和神经生理反应。该实验让参与者暴露在从 66 到 1500 勒克斯的九种照度水平下,以辨别不同建筑体验的最佳条件。通过问卷收集的主观评价要求参与者对感知的愉悦感、兴趣、兴奋、平静和宽敞进行评分。同时,记录脑电图数据以分析与不同照度条件相关的神经生理变化。结果表明,在9种日光照度水平下,顶叶和顶叶中央区通道的α和θ波段功率具有统计学上的显着差异。光照度的变化激活了与认知功能相关的大脑区域。顶叶区α波段相对功率与主观评价呈负相关,在300-900勒克斯之间相对较低,表明愉悦感、兴趣性、宽敞感增强,峰值体验出现在700-900勒克斯之间范围。相反,超过 1300 勒克斯的照度与 alpha 波段的绝对功率增加相关,表明觉醒程度提高,而低于 300 勒克斯的水平会导致觉醒程度降低和平静程度增加。通过将神经生理学测量与主观评估相结合,我们对照度如何影响情绪和认知反应有了细致入微的了解。 本研究可为员工高强度脑力工作和休息时办公室照度水平的选择提供参考。