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Designing with building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV): A pathway to decarbonize residential buildings
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110486
S. Aguacil , S. Duque , S. Lufkin , E. Rey

The ambitious targets set for greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency by 2050 demand a critical increase of building renovation rates. This challenge is shared by most Western nations, including Europe and Switzerland, where the current annual renovation rate stands at a mere 0.6 %. In this context, designing renovation strategies using building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) components as a new building material is one of the most promising ways to achieve decarbonization of the building stock in an economical and environmentally efficient manner. To this end, building design teams are key, especially in promoting BIPV-based projects to their clients and taking this approach into account from the initial design phase where pivotal decisions with significant impact are made. This article illustrates the potential impact of specific choices in renovation processes on the overall building performance, considering a Life-Cycle Analysis/Cost (LCA/LCC) and multi-criteria analysis. It uses a 1970's residential building as case study, examining different refurbishment scenarios. Findings reveal that scenarios integrating BIPV can significantly enhance energy savings, achieving up to 122 % in energy efficiency gains, and can meet the 2050 targets for cumulative energy demand (CED) and global warming potential (GWP). Additionally, the most effective BIPV scenarios demonstrate economic viability with a payback period of 14–18 years and internal rates of return (IRR) between 5.3 % and 5.9 %. These results underscore the economic and environmental benefits of BIPV in building renovations and advocate for its broader adoption to achieve national and international climate goals.


光伏建筑一体化 (BIPV) 设计:住宅建筑脱碳的途径

到 2050 年为温室气体排放和能源效率设定的雄心勃勃的目标要求大幅提高建筑翻新率。大多数西方国家都面临着这一挑战,包括欧洲和瑞士,目前这些国家的年翻修率仅为 0.6%。在此背景下,使用建筑一体化光伏(BIPV)组件作为新型建筑材料设计改造策略是以经济且环保的方式实现建筑脱碳的最有前途的方法之一。为此,建筑设计团队至关重要,尤其是向客户推广基于 BIPV 的项目,并从做出具有重大影响的关键决策的初始设计阶段就考虑到这种方法。本文阐述了改造过程中特定选择对整体建筑性能的潜在影响,考虑了生命周期分析/成本 (LCA/LCC) 和多标准分析。它使用 1970 年代的住宅楼作为案例研究,研究不同的翻新方案。研究结果表明,集成 BIPV 的方案可以显着提高节能效果,实现高达 122% 的能源效率提升,并可以满足 2050 年累计能源需求 (CED) 和全球变暖潜力 (GWP) 的目标。此外,最有效的 BIPV 方案显示出经济可行性,投资回收期为 14-18 年,内部回报率 (IRR) 在 5.3% 至 5.9% 之间。这些结果强调了 BIPV 在建筑翻修中的经济和环境效益,并倡导更广泛地采用 BIPV 以实现国家和国际气候目标。