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Advancing PCM research in building efficiency: A comprehensive investigation into PCM selection and critical integration strategies
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110485
Abdelkoddouss El Majd , Said Sair , Hanane Ait Ousaleh , Umberto Berardi , Kaoutar Moulakhnif , Naoual Belouaggadia , Zohir Younsi , Abdeslam El Bouari

The rising global demand for solutions to enhance building energy efficiency is driven by increased cooling and heating needs in the construction sector. Addressing energy crises and sustainability issues like global warming has led to extensive research efforts aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Phase change materials (PCMs) have garnered significant attention from researchers as they offer promising solutions to reduce energy consumption and promote the utilization of renewable energy sources. The current study offers a comprehensive and critical review of different PCM containing methods, performance enhancement, and their latest applications in buildings. The breakdown of each PCM group, along with the corresponding temperature range within buildings and their respective characteristics, is encompassed in the study. Furthermore, a concise analysis of current challenges and potential prospects is provided. Pivotal findings and recommendations for the exploration of these applications in future studies are outlined to assist researchers in pursuing additional advancements.


推进建筑效率方面的 PCM 研究:对 PCM 选择和关键集成策略的全面调查

建筑行业制冷和供暖需求的增加推动了全球对提高建筑能源效率解决方案的需求不断增长。解决能源危机和全球变暖等可持续发展问题引发了旨在提高能源效率和减少温室气体排放的广泛研究工作。相变材料(PCM)引起了研究人员的极大关注,因为它们为减少能源消耗和促进可再生能源的利用提供了有前景的解决方案。当前的研究对不同的 PCM 包含方法、性能增强及其在建筑中的最新应用进行了全面和批判性的回顾。该研究涵盖了每个 PCM 组的细分,以及建筑物内相应的温度范围及其各自的特性。此外,还对当前挑战和潜在前景进行了简明分析。概述了在未来研究中探索这些应用的关键发现和建议,以帮助研究人员追求更多进展。