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Impact creation approaches of community-based enterprises: A configurational analysis of enabling conditions
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2024.106420
Björn C. Mitzinneck , Jana Coenen , Florian Noseleit , Christian Rupietta

This study investigates which local conditions enable community-based enterprises (CBEs) to create impact. Advancing our limited understanding of the various contexts that enable CBEs to tackle societal issues locally, we investigate supportive conditions across 77 CBEs driving the energy transition in their geographic community. Through qualitative comparative analysis, we identify four condition configurations for CBE impact creation. Across these configurations, we reveal transferable mechanisms helping CBEs to engage community members ( and ) and handle the absence of a supportive condition and Our study suggests how CBEs can combine these mechanisms to create impact in varied local contexts.



本研究调查了哪些当地条件能够使社区企业 (CBE) 产生影响。为了加深我们对 CBE 能够解决当地社会问题的各种背景的有限了解,我们调查了 77 个 CBE 推动其地理社区能源转型的支持条件。通过定性比较分析,我们确定了 CBE 影响产生的四种条件配置。在这些配置中,我们揭示了可转移的机制,帮助 CBE 吸引社区成员 ( 和 ) 并处理缺乏支持条件的情况,并且我们的研究表明 CBE 如何结合这些机制,在不同的当地环境中产生影响。