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Synthesis and thermoluminescence characterization of either Cu- or Ag-doped lithium triborate
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112127
S. Iflazoglu , I. Sevastidis , P.G. Konstantinidis , A. Yilmaz , G. Kitis , G.S. Polymeris

Lithium Triborate (LiBO or LTB), is characterized by chemical stability and good mechanical properties, and it has an effective atomic number (Z = 7.39) close to that of the human tissue (Z = 7.42), making it a potential dosimeter. The objective of this research is to examine the Thermoluminescence (TL) features and dosimetric characteristics of both Cu-doped and Ag-doped LTB. The material was synthesized using the solid-state synthesis method and four different dopant levels were used for each element (0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 3%); various techniques such as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were used for structural and compositional characterization, for samples annealed at 500 °C for 1 h in all cases. Specific TL features were studied, such as TL glow curve shape, sensitization and sensitivity, fading behavior as well as kinetic characterization using two supplementary techniques, namely fractional glow technique and deconvolution analysis. The effect of each dopant element is different in the (same) lithium triborate matrix in terms of sensitivity. TL dosimetric peaks are yielded for both dopant elements; however, the optimum doping level is 3% for Ag but just 0.1% for Cu. Furthermore, the samples were irradiated at different doses, ranging from 0.5 to 2048 Gy, in order to study the corresponding dose response. A remarkable dose response linearity was observed for the main dosimetric peak of both materials, ranging up to ∼1 kGy.The fading results suggest that LTB doped with 0.1% Cu is the most promising material for dosimetric applications.



三硼酸锂(LiBO或LTB)具有化学稳定性和良好的机械性能,其有效原子序数(Z = 7.39)接近人体组织的原子序数(Z = 7.42),使其成为潜在的剂量计。本研究的目的是检查铜掺杂和银掺杂 LTB 的热释光 (TL) 特征和剂量学特征。该材料采用固态合成方法合成,每种元素使用四种不同的掺杂剂水平(0.1%、0.5%、1%、3%);对于所有情况下在 500 °C 退火 1 小时的样品,使用 X 射线衍射 (XRD)、扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 和傅里叶变换红外 (FTIR) 光谱等各种技术进行结构和成分表征。研究了特定的 TL 特征,例如 TL 发光曲线形状、敏化和灵敏度、褪色行为以及使用两种补充技术(即分数发光技术和反卷积分析)的动力学表征。在(相同的)三硼酸锂基体中,每种掺杂元素对灵敏度的影响是不同的。两种掺杂元素均产生 TL 剂量峰;然而,Ag 的最佳掺杂水平为 3%,而 Cu 的最佳掺杂水平仅为 0.1%。此外,对样品进行0.5至2048 Gy不同剂量的辐照,以研究相应的剂量反应。两种材料的主剂量峰均观察到显着的剂量响应线性,范围高达~1 kGy。褪色结果表明,掺杂 0.1% Cu 的 LTB 是剂量测定应用中最有前途的材料。