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Impacts of Racial and Gender Identities on Individuals' Intentions to Seek a Counselor.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2023.0521
Romy Rw 1 , Nick Joyce 2

To understand the theoretical impact of racial and gender identities on counselor selection, an online experiment was conducted with 527 participants in which both the race and gender of a perspective counselor's online profile were manipulated. Results showed that participants had a higher intention to seek counseling when the counselor was from the same racial and/or gender group. These preferences existed above and beyond other identity-based evaluative metrics, such as those tied to group stereotypes (e.g., warmth and competence). The results advocate for the development and evaluation of culturally tailored digital health interventions and underscore the importance of further formative research in this area to enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of healthcare resources for all.



为了了解种族和性别认同对咨询师选择的理论影响,对 527 名参与者进行了一项在线实验,在该实验中,透视咨询师在线个人资料的种族和性别都纵。结果表明,当咨询师来自同一种族和/或性别群体时,参与者寻求咨询的意愿更高。这些偏好存在于其他基于身份的评估指标之上,例如与群体刻板印象(例如,热情和能力)相关的指标。结果倡导开发和评估针对文化的数字健康干预措施,并强调了在该领域进一步形成性研究以提高所有人医疗保健资源的可及性和有效性的重要性。