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Reported Incidence of Infections Caused by Pathogens Transmitted Commonly Through Food: Impact of Increased Use of Culture-Independent Diagnostic Tests - Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network, 1996-2023.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 , DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7326a1
Hazel J Shah , Rachel H Jervis , Katie Wymore , Tamara Rissman , Bethany LaClair , Michelle M Boyle , Kirk Smith , Sarah Lathrop , Suzanne McGuire , Rosalie Trevejo , Marcy McMillian , Stic Harris , Joanna Zablotsky Kufel , Kennedy Houck , Carey E Lau , Carey J Devine , Dave Boxrud , Daniel L Weller

Reducing foodborne disease incidence is a public health priority. This report summarizes preliminary 2023 Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet) data and highlights efforts to increase the representativeness of FoodNet. During 2023, incidences of domestically acquired campylobacteriosis, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infection, yersiniosis, vibriosis, and cyclosporiasis increased, whereas those of listeriosis, salmonellosis, and shigellosis remained stable compared with incidences during 2016-2018, the baseline used for tracking progress towards federal disease reduction goals. During 2023, the incidence and percentage of infections diagnosed by culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDTs) reported to FoodNet continued to increase, and the percentage of cases that yielded an isolate decreased, affecting observed trends in incidence. Because CIDTs allow for diagnosis of infections that previously would have gone undetected, lack of progress toward disease reduction goals might reflect changing diagnostic practices rather than an actual increase in incidence. Continued surveillance is needed to monitor the impact of changing diagnostic practices on disease trends, and targeted prevention efforts are needed to meet disease reduction goals. During 2023, FoodNet expanded its catchment area for the first time since 2004. This expansion improved the representativeness of the FoodNet catchment area, the ability of FoodNet to monitor trends in disease incidence, and the generalizability of FoodNet data.


报告的通常通过食物传播的病原体引起的感染发生率:增加使用独立于培养物的诊断测试的影响 - 食源性疾病主动监测网络,1996-2023 年。

减少食源性疾病的发病率是公共卫生的首要任务。本报告总结了 2023 年食源性疾病主动监测网络 (FoodNet) 的初步数据,并强调了为提高 FoodNet 代表性所做的努力。 2023年,国内获得性弯曲杆菌病、产志贺毒素大肠杆菌感染、耶尔森氏菌病、弧菌病和环孢子虫病的发病率有所增加,而李斯特菌病、沙门氏菌病和志贺氏菌病的发病率与2016-2018年(用于追踪进展的基线)的发病率相比保持稳定实现联邦减少疾病目标。 2023 年期间,向 FoodNet 报告的通过与培养无关的诊断测试 (CIDT) 诊断的感染的发生率和百分比持续增加,而产生分离株的病例百分比下降,影响了观察到的发病率趋势。由于 CIDT 可以诊断以前未被发现的感染,因此疾病减少目标缺乏进展可能反映了诊断实践的变化,而不是发病率的实际增加。需要持续监测来监测不断变化的诊断方法对疾病趋势的影响,并且需要有针对性的预防工作来实现减少疾病的目标。 2023年,FoodNet自2004年以来首次扩大了其服务区域。这次扩展提高了FoodNet服务区域的代表性、FoodNet监测疾病发病趋势的能力以及FoodNet数据的普遍性。