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Impact of racial microaggressions in psychotherapy vignettes with african american clients: An experimental analogue design.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000742
Brendalisse Rudecindo 1 , Zac E Imel 1 , Patty B Kuo 2 , William A Smith 3 , Karen W Tao 1

Mental health researchers have focused on promoting culturally sensitive clinical care (Herman et al., 2007; Whaley & Davis, 2007), emphasizing the need to understand how biases may impact client well-being. Clients report that their therapists commit racial microaggressions-subtle, sometimes unintentional, racial slights-during treatment (Owen et al., 2014). Yet, existing studies often rely on retrospective evaluations of clients and cannot establish the causal impact of varying ambiguity of microaggressions on clients. This study uses an experimental analogue design to examine offensiveness, emotional reactions, and evaluations of the interaction across three distinct levels of microaggression statements: subtle, moderate, and overt. We recruited 158 adult African American participants and randomly assigned them to watch a brief counseling vignette. We found significant differences between the control and three microaggression statements on all outcome variables. We did not find significant differences between the microaggression conditions. This study, in conjunction with previous correlational research, highlights the detrimental impact of microaggressions within psychotherapy, regardless of racially explicit content. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



心理健康研究人员一直致力于促进文化敏感的临床护理(Herman et al., 2007; Whaley & Davis, 2007),强调需要了解偏见如何影响客户的福祉。客户报告说,他们的治疗师在治疗过程中犯下了种族微侵犯行为,即微妙的、有时是无意识的种族轻视(Owen 等人,2014)。然而,现有的研究往往依赖于对来访者的回顾性评估,无法确定不同模糊性的微侵犯对来访者的因果影响。本研究采用实验类比设计来检查攻击性、情绪反应以及对微攻击性陈述三个不同级别(微妙、适度和公开)之间的互动的评估。我们招募了 158 名成年非裔美国人参与者,并随机分配他们观看简短的咨询片段。我们发现对照组和三个微攻击陈述在所有结果变量上都存在显着差异。我们没有发现微攻击条件之间存在显着差异。这项研究与之前的相关研究相结合,强调了心理治疗中微侵犯的有害影响,无论种族明确的内容如何。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。