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Front Cover: Introduction of Difluoromethyl Through Radical Pathways (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 31/2024)
European Journal of Organic Chemistry ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202483101
Xin Li 1 , Qiuling Song 2

The Front Cover shows a popular Chinese poker game, Dou Di Zhu “fight the landlord”, in which a combination of four similar cards, referred to as a “bomb”, can beat other combinations, so “bombs” are like trumps in this game. During the past decades, a diverse range of difluoromethyl radical precursor compounds with high efficiency, good selectivities, and broad substrate scopes have been developed for radical difluoromethylation reactions. Here, these reagents are visualized as cards to “explosively” generate the difluoromethyl radical; they can be regarded as the “trumps” in the radical difluoromethylation. One card has still not been turned over; this indicates that it is an undiscovered reagent. What is its structure? Will it become a powerful radical difluoromethylation reagent to form an “ace bomb”? Let's wait and see. More information can be found in the Review by X. Li and Q. Song (DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202400423).


封面:通过自由基途径引入二氟甲基 (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 31/2024)

封面展示了一种流行的中国扑克游戏“斗地主”,其中四张相似的牌的组合,称为“炸弹”,可以击败其他组合,因此“炸弹”在这本书中就像王牌一样。游戏。在过去的几十年中,人们开发出了多种用于自由基二氟甲基化反应的高效、选择性好、底物范围广的二氟甲基自由基前体化合物。在这里,这些试剂被可视化为“爆炸性”产生二氟甲基自由基的卡片;它们堪称自由基二氟甲基化中的“王牌”。一张牌仍未翻开;这表明它是一种未被发现的试剂。它的结构是怎样的?它会成为强大的自由基二氟甲基化试剂,形成“王牌炸弹”吗?让我们拭目以待。更多信息请参阅 X. Li 和 Q. Song 的评论(DOI:10.1002/ejoc.202400423)。