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Demographic, academic, and clinical characteristics of college students hospitalized for psychiatric crises.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000744
Julia Erin Morpeth-Provost 1 , Chris Brownson 1 , Brittany P Boyer 2

College students with psychiatric disabilities, particularly those with severe distress, have an increased risk of attrition from higher education. Highly distressed students may be hospitalized for psychiatric crises if there is a potential risk to their safety. Although college students' psychopathology has increased in severity over the last decade, hospitalized students remain an underresearched group at risk for attrition, trauma, suicide, and disconnection from their universities. The present study explored demographic, academic, and clinical characteristics of 880 undergraduate and graduate students hospitalized between Spring 2016 and Spring 2021 at a large public university in the southwestern United States. Study aims were addressed by testing proportional differences in (a) demographics of the hospitalized sample versus the student body and (b) cross-tabulations of demographic, academic, and clinical characteristics by hospital admission status (voluntary or involuntary). Results indicate that African American/Black and multiracial students; female, transgender, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or other nonheterosexual orientations students; undergraduates; and liberal arts, fine arts, and undeclared majors may be at increased risk for psychiatric hospitalization. Gender identity, sexual orientation, semester hospitalized, initiating entity, university counseling center utilization, and the presence of high-priority symptoms and suicidality were significantly associated with hospital admission status. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



患有精神障碍的大学生,特别是那些患有严重痛苦的大学生,从高等教育中流失的风险增加。如果存在潜在的安全风险,高度痛苦的学生可能会因精神危机而住院。尽管大学生的精神病理学在过去十年中日益严重,但住院学生仍然是一个未被充分研究的群体,面临着自然减员、创伤、自杀和与大学脱节的风险。本研究探讨了 2016 年春季至 2021 年春季期间美国西南部一所大型公立大学住院的 880 名本科生和研究生的人口、学术和临床特征。研究目的是通过测试(a)住院样本与学生群体的人口统计数据和(b)按入院状态(自愿或非自愿)划分的人口统计、学术和临床特征的交叉制表的比例差异来实现的。结果表明,非裔美国人/黑人和多种族学生;女性、跨性别者以及女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、酷儿或其他非异性恋取向的学生;本科生;文科、美术和未申报的专业可能面临更高的精神病住院风险。性别认同、性取向、住院学期、起始实体、大学咨询中心的使用情况以及高优先级症状和自杀倾向的存在与入院状况显着相关。讨论了对未来研究的影响和建议。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。