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Emotional Changes during Imagery Rescripting of Aversive Social Memories in Social Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics ( IF 16.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1159/000539402
Rosa J Seinsche 1, 2 , Susanne Fricke 3, 4 , Marie K Neudert 3, 4 , Raphaela I Zimmer 4 , Rudolf Stark 3, 4, 5 , Andrea Hermann 3, 4, 5

INTRODUCTION Imagery rescripting (ImRs) is a psychotherapeutic intervention targeting aversive memories. During the three-phase intervention, patients reexperience their aversive memory (phase 1), observe the scene from their adult perspective, and intervene to help their former selves (phase 2), and reexperience it again with the positive changes (phase 3). Previous studies have rarely investigated emotional and regulatory processes taking place during the intervention. OBJECTIVE This randomized controlled trial investigated self-reported affective and physiological responses during ImRs. METHODS Seventy-seven patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) were randomly assigned to a single session of ImRs or a control intervention (recall and discussion of the memory) targeting an aversive social memory. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were assessed during and post hoc ratings of positive and negative feelings after baseline and the intervention phases. RESULTS Relative to the control intervention, ImRs resulted in an initial increase in negative feelings from baseline to phase 1 and a following larger (phase 1 to phase 2) and more stable (phase 2 to phase 3) decrease in negative feelings/increase in positive feelings. On the physiological level, during ImRs compared to the control intervention, mean HR was significantly higher during phase 1 and HRV during phase 3, each compared to baseline. CONCLUSIONS These results provide further information about the specific sequence of emotional responses on different response levels during ImRs, being consistent with known theories of emotional processing and supposed mechanisms of ImRs.



简介 意象重写(ImRs)是一种针对厌恶记忆的心理治疗干预措施。在三阶段干预过程中,患者重新体验厌恶记忆(第一阶段),从成人角度观察场景,并进行干预以帮助以前的自己(第二阶段),并再次体验积极的变化(第三阶段)。以前的研究很少调查干预期间发生的情绪和调节过程。目的 这项随机对照试验调查了 ImR 期间自我报告的情感和生理反应。方法 77 名社交焦虑障碍 (SAD) 患者被随机分配接受单次 ImR 或针对厌恶社交记忆的对照干预(回忆和讨论记忆)。在基线和干预阶段之后对积极和消极情绪进行评估期间和事后评估心率(HR)和心率变异性(HRV)。结果 相对于对照干预,ImRs 导致负面情绪从基线到第 1 阶段最初增加,随后负面情绪更大幅度(第 1 阶段到第 2 阶段)和更稳定(第 2 阶段到第 3 阶段)减少/积极情绪增加情怀。在生理水平上,与对照干预相比,在 ImR 期间,第一阶段的平均 HR 和第三阶段的 HRV 均显着高于基线。结论 这些结果提供了有关 ImRs 期间不同反应水平的情绪反应特定序列的进一步信息,与已知的情绪处理理论和 ImRs 的假定机制一致。