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The updated BOSZ synthetic stellar spectral library★
Astronomy & Astrophysics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449306
Szabolcs Mészáros , Ralph Bohlin , Carlos Allende Prieto , Borbála Cseh , József Kovács , Scott W. Fleming , Zoltán Dencs , Susana Deustua , Karl D. Gordon , Ivan Hubeny , György Mező , Márton Truszek

Context. The modeling of stellar spectra of flux standards observed by the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes requires a large synthetic spectral library that covers a wide atmospheric parameter range.Aims. The aim of this paper is to present and describe the calculation methods behind the updated version of the BOSZ synthetic spectral database, which was originally designed to fit the CALSPEC flux standards. These new local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) models incorporate both MARCS and ATLAS9 model atmospheres, updated continuous opacities, and 23 new molecular line lists.Methods. The new grid was calculated with Synspec using the LTE approximation and covers metallicities [M/H] from −2.5 to 0.75 dex, [α/M] from −0.25 to 0.5 dex, and [C/M] from −0.75 to 0.5 dex, providing spectra for 336 unique compositions. Calculations for stars between 2800 and 8000 K use MARCS model atmospheres, and ATLAS9 is used between 7500 and 16 000 K.Results. The new BOSZ grid includes 628 620 synthetic spectra from 50 nm to 32 µm with models for 495 Teff−log 𝑔 parameter pairs per composition and per microturbulent velocity. Each spectrum has eight different resolutions spanning a range from R = 500 to 50 000 as well as the original resolution of the synthesis. The microturbulent velocities are 0, 1, 2, and 4 km s−1.Conclusions. The new BOSZ grid extends the temperature range to cooler temperatures compared to the original grid because the updated molecular line lists make modeling possible for cooler stars. A publicly available and consistently calculated database of model spectra is important for many astrophysical analyses, for example spectroscopic surveys and the determination of stellar elemental compositions.



语境。对哈勃和詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜观测到的通量标准的恒星光谱进行建模需要一个覆盖广泛大气参数范围的大型合成光谱库。本文的目的是介绍和描述 BOSZ 合成光谱数据库更新版本背后的计算方法,该数据库最初是为符合 CALSPEC 通量标准而设计的。这些新的局部热力学平衡 (LTE) 模型结合了 MARCS 和 ATLAS9 模型大气、更新的连续不透明度和 23 个新的分子谱线列表。新网格是通过 Synspec 使用 LTE 近似计算的,涵盖从 -2.5 到 0.75 dex 的金属量 [M/H]、从 -0.25 到 0.5 dex 的 [α/M] 以及从 -0.75 到 0.5 dex 的 [C/M] ,提供 336 种独特成分的光谱。对 2800 到 8000 K 之间的恒星的计算使用 MARCS 模型大气,7500 到 16 000 K 之间使用 ATLAS9。结果。新的 BOSZ 网格包括 628 620 个从 50 nm 到 32 µm 的合成光谱,以及每个成分和每个微湍流速度的 495 个 Teff−log 𝑔 参数对的模型。每个光谱都有八种不同的分辨率,范围从 R = 500 到 50 000 以及合成的原始分辨率。微湍流速度为 0、1、2 和 4 km s−1。结论。与原始网格相比,新的 BOSZ 网格将温度范围扩展到较低的温度,因为更新的分子线列表使对较冷的恒星进行建模成为可能。公开且一致计算的模型光谱数据库对于许多天体物理分析非常重要,例如光谱调查和恒星元素成分的测定。