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Meeting the Challenges of a Growing ICASSP: Highlights from ICASSP 2024 [Conference Highlights]
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.1109/msp.2024.3420491
Hanseok Ko 1 , Monson Hayes 2 , John Hansen 3

When we set out to host ICASSP 2024, in Seoul, South Korea, we had three goals in mind: organize an outstanding technical program, provide an excellent and engaging venue to foster meetings to exchange ideas, and deliver the most welcoming experience to our attendees. With the hard work and commitment from the outstanding organizing committee (OC), we were able to achieve these goals. The culturally rich and vibrant city of Seoul welcomed ICASSP attendees and the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) community with open arms and “jeong,” which embodies the warm and friendly spirit of the Korean people. Seoul is a city where tradition and technology coexist and support each other, showing a true sense of rich Korean culture.


应对不断发展的 ICASSP 的挑战:ICASSP 2024 亮点 [会议亮点]

当我们着手在韩国首尔举办 ICASSP 2024 时,我们牢记三个目标:组织出色的技术计划、提供绝佳且引人入胜的场所来促进会议交流想法,以及为与会者提供最热情的体验。在出色的组委会(OC)的辛勤工作和承诺下,我们能够实现这些目标。文化丰富、充满活力的首尔市张开双臂欢迎 ICASSP 与会者和 IEEE 信号处理协会 (SPS) 社区,“jeong”体现了韩国人民的热情和友好精神。首尔是一座传统与科技共存、相互支撑的城市,展现出真正意义上丰富的韩国文化。