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The co-evolution of computational physics and high-performance computing
Nature Reviews Physics ( IF 44.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-23 , DOI: 10.1038/s42254-024-00750-z
Jack Dongarra , David Keyes

High-performance computational physics has been instrumental in advancing scientific research by regularly providing breakthroughs in speed, accuracy and modelling fidelity. This Perspective highlights the contributions of physicists to the development of high-performance computing infrastructure, algorithms and applications from the early days of computing to the exascale era. We recall the pioneering work of Fermi and von Neumann, who set directions and laid foundations for computational science and examine the ongoing impact of physicists in overcoming current challenges in high-performance computing, such as energy consumption and data storage. As we celebrate milestones such as exascale computing and generative artificial intelligence, it is inspiring to recognize the enduring influence of physicists in driving technological innovations and ensuring the future progress of computational science.



