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Timing and Scintillation Studies of Pulsars in Globular Cluster M3 (NGC 5272) with FAST
The Astrophysical Journal ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-23 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad5a82
Baoda Li , Li-yun Zhang , Jumei Yao , Dejiang Yin , Ralph P. Eatough , Minghui Li , Yifeng Li , Yujie Lian , Yu Pan , Yinfeng Dai , Yaowei Li , Xingnan Zhang , Tianhao Su , Yuxiao Wu , Tong Liu , Kuo Liu , Lin Wang , Lei Qian , Zhichen Pan

We present the phase-connected timing solutions of all five pulsars in globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272), namely PSRs M3A to F (PSRs J1342+2822A to F), with the exception of PSR M3C, from FAST archival data. In these timing solutions, those of PSRs M3E and F are obtained for the first time. We find that PSRs M3E and F have low-mass companions and are in circular orbits with periods of 7.1 and 3.0 days, respectively. For PSR M3C, we have not detected its signal in all 41 observations. We found no X-ray counterparts for these pulsars in archival Chandra images in the band of 0.2–20 keV. From the autocorrelation function analysis of M3A and M3B’s dynamic spectra, the scintillation timescale ranges from 7.0 ± 0.3 to 60.0 ± 0.6 minutes, and the scintillation bandwidth ranges from 4.6 ± 0.2 to 57.1 ± 1.1 MHz. The measured scintillation bandwidths from the dynamic spectra indicate strong scintillation, and the scattering medium is anisotropic. From the secondary spectra, we captured a scintillation arc only for PSR M3B with a curvature of 649 ± 23 m−1 mHz−2.


使用 FAST 对球状星团 M3 (NGC 5272) 中脉冲星的计时和闪烁研究

我们从 FAST 档案数据中提出了球状星团 M3 (NGC 5272) 中所有五颗脉冲星的相位连接授时解,即 PSR M3A 至 F (PSR J1342+2822A 至 F),PSR M3C 除外。在这些定时解中,首次获得PSR M3E和F的定时解。我们发现 PSR M3E 和 F 有低质量伴星,并且位于周期分别为 7.1 天和 3.0 天的圆形轨道上。对于 PSR M3C,我们在所有 41 个观测中都没有检测到它的信号。我们在 0.2-20 keV 波段的钱德拉档案图像中没有发现这些脉冲星的 X 射线对应物。从M3A和M3B动态光谱的自相关函数分析可知,闪烁时标范围为7.0±0.3~60.0±0.6分钟,闪烁带宽范围为4.6±0.2~57.1±1.1 MHz。从动态光谱中测得的闪烁带宽表明存在强闪烁,并且散射介质是各向异性的。从二次光谱中,我们仅捕获了 PSR M3B 的闪烁弧,其曲率为 649 ± 23 m -1 mHz -2