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Phase-resolved Deadtime of the Crab Pulsar Using IXPE Data
The Astrophysical Journal ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-23 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad67e3
M. Vivekanand

After receiving an X-ray photon, an X-ray detector is not operational for a duration known as deadtime. It is detector specific and its effect on the data depends upon the luminosity of the source. It reduces the observed photon count rate in comparison to the expected one. In periodic sources such as the Crab pulsar, it can distort the folded light curve (FLC). An undistorted FLC of the Crab pulsar is required in combination with its polarization properties for studying its X-ray emission mechanism. This work derives a simple formula for the distortion of the FLC of a pulsar caused by the detector deadtime, and validates it using Crab pulsar data from the X-ray observatories Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer and Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, which have very small and relatively large detector deadtimes respectively. Then it derives a method for correcting the distorted FLC of the Crab pulsar in Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer data, which have intermediate detector deadtime. The formula is verified after addressing several technical issues. This work ends with a discussion of why an undistorted FLC is important for studying the formation of cusps in the FLC of the Crab pulsar.


使用 IXPE 数据对蟹状脉冲星进行相位解析死区时间

接收到 X 射线光子后,X 射线探测器在称为死区时间的时间内不工作。它是特定于检测器的,其对数据的影响取决于光源的光度。与预期相比,它降低了观察到的光子计数率。在蟹状脉冲星等周期性光源中,它会扭曲折叠光变曲线 (FLC)。为了研究其 X 射线发射机制,需要结合蟹状脉冲星的未畸变 FLC 及其偏振特性。这项工作推导了一个简单的公式,用于计算由探测器死区时间引起的脉冲星 FLC 的畸变,并使用来自 X 射线天文台中子星内部成分探测器和核光谱望远镜阵列的蟹状脉冲星数据对其进行了验证,这些天文台具有非常小的和分别相对较大的探测器死区时间。然后推导了一种校正具有中间探测器死区时间的成像X射线旋光计探测器数据中蟹状脉冲星失真FLC的方法。该公式在解决了几个技术问题后得到了验证。这项工作最后讨论了为什么未扭曲的 FLC 对于研究蟹状脉冲星 FLC 中尖点的形成很重要。