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Association of Gaseous Ambient Air Pollution and Dementia-Related Neuroimaging Markers in the ARIC Cohort, Comparing Exposure Estimation Methods and Confounding by Study Site.
Environmental Health Perspectives ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1289/ehp13906
Katie M Lynch 1 , Erin E Bennett 1 , Qi Ying 2 , Eun Sug Park 3 , Xiaohui Xu 4 , Richard L Smith 5, 6 , James D Stewart 7 , Duanping Liao 8 , Joel D Kaufman 9 , Eric A Whitsel 7, 10 , Melinda C Power 1

BACKGROUND Evidence linking gaseous air pollution to late-life brain health is mixed. OBJECTIVE We explored associations between exposure to gaseous pollutants and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers among Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study participants, with attention to the influence of exposure estimation method and confounding by site. METHODS We considered data from 1,665 eligible ARIC participants recruited from four US sites in the period 1987-1989 with valid brain MRI data from Visit 5 (2011-2013). We estimated 10-y (2001-2010) mean carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and 8- and 24-h ozone (O3) concentrations at participant addresses, using multiple exposure estimation methods. We estimated site-specific associations between pollutant exposures and brain MRI outcomes (total and regional volumes; presence of microhemorrhages, infarcts, lacunes, and severe white matter hyperintensities), using adjusted linear and logistic regression models. We compared meta-analytically combined site-specific associations to analyses that did not account for site. RESULTS Within-site exposure distributions varied across exposure estimation methods. Meta-analytic associations were generally not statistically significant regardless of exposure, outcome, or exposure estimation method; point estimates often suggested associations between higher NO2 and NOx and smaller temporal lobe, deep gray, hippocampal, frontal lobe, and Alzheimer disease signature region of interest volumes and between higher CO and smaller temporal and frontal lobe volumes. Analyses that did not account for study site more often yielded significant associations and sometimes different direction of associations. DISCUSSION Patterns of local variation in estimated air pollution concentrations differ by estimation method. Although we did not find strong evidence supporting impact of gaseous pollutants on brain changes detectable by MRI, point estimates suggested associations between higher exposure to CO, NOx, and NO2 and smaller regional brain volumes. Analyses of air pollution and dementia-related outcomes that do not adjust for location likely underestimate uncertainty and may be susceptible to confounding bias. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13906.


ARIC 队列中气体环境空气污染与痴呆相关神经影像标记物的关联,比较暴露估计方法和研究地点的混杂因素。

背景技术将气态空气污染与晚年大脑健康联系起来的证据不一。目的 我们探讨了社区动脉粥样硬化风险 (ARIC) 研究参与者中气态污染物暴露与脑磁共振成像 (MRI) 标记物之间的关联,并注意暴露估计方法和地点混杂因素的影响。方法 我们考虑了 1987-1989 年期间从美国四个地点招募的 1,665 名符合资格的 ARIC 参与者的数据,以及第 5 次访问(2011-2013 年)的有效脑部 MRI 数据。我们使用多种暴露估算方法估算了参与者地址的 10 年(2001-2010 年)平均一氧化碳 (CO)、二氧化氮 (NO2)、氮氧化物 (NOx) 以及 8 小时和 24 小时臭氧 (O3) 浓度。我们使用调整后的线性和逻辑回归模型估计了污染物暴露与脑 MRI 结果(总体积和局部体积;微出血、梗塞、腔隙和严重白质高信号的存在)之间的特定部位关联。我们将荟萃分析组合的特定位点关联与不考虑位点的分析进行了比较。结果 场地内暴露分布因暴露估计方法而异。无论暴露、结果或暴露估计方法如何,荟萃分析关联通常不具有统计显着性;点估计通常表明较高的 NO2 和 NOx 与较小的颞叶、深灰、海马、额叶和阿尔茨海默病特征区域体积之间的关联,以及较高的 CO 与较小的颞叶和额叶体积之间的关联。不考虑研究地点的分析通常会产生显着的关联,有时甚至会产生不同的关联方向。 讨论 估计空气污染浓度的局部变化模式因估计方法而异。尽管我们没有找到强有力的证据支持气态污染物对 MRI 可检测到的大脑变化的影响,但点估计表明较高的 CO、NOx 和 NO2 暴露与较小的区域脑体积之间存在关联。对空气污染和痴呆症相关结果的分析如果不根据地点进行调整,可能会低估不确定性,并且可能容易受到混杂偏差的影响。 https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13906。