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Development of a procedure for defining the operation window of annular centrifugal contactors
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.18580
Zaid Alkhier Hamamah 1 , Thomas Grützner 1

Although annular centrifugal contactors (ACCs) have been widely applied, their complex operation and its dependence on operational variables are still not fully quantified. That hinders their acceptance and precludes revealing their potential. Intuitive techniques to informedly operate ACCs while maximizing their gain are thus demanded. This work introduces a procedure to define the operation window of an extraction task on ACCs, using CINC V 02 variant, that demonstrates the feasible ranges of the operational variables and the maximum possible throughput. The overlapping impacts of the variables are also visualized, thus understood and, to enhance practicality, the procedure is converted into user-interface software. The concept is intended to adapt to any task on ACCs and it is based on merging a hydraulic part focusing on the rotor and a statistical one modeling the annulus mass transfer. Additional insights on ACC's hydraulics and mass transfer dynamics are presented, including the time needed to establish the steady state.



尽管环形离心接触器(ACC)已被广泛应用,但其复杂的操作及其对操作变量的依赖性仍未完全量化。这阻碍了他们的接受并阻碍了他们潜力的发挥。因此,需要直观的技术来明智地操作 ACC,同时最大化其增益。这项工作介绍了一个使用 CINC V 02 变体定义 ACC 上提取任务的操作窗口的过程,该过程演示了操作变量的可行范围和最大可能的吞吐量。变量的重叠影响也被可视化,从而被理解,并且为了增强实用性,该过程被转换成用户界面软件。该概念旨在适应 ACC 上的任何任务,它基于合并专注于转子的液压部件和模拟环空质量传递的统计部件。提出了有关 ACC 水力学和传质动力学的其他见解,包括建立稳定状态所需的时间。