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Transgender health research needed
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ads3727
Alex S Keuroghlian 1 , Asa E Radix 2

Ever since the Cass Review was released in April—an evaluation by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service that has led to a ban on pubertysuppressing medication for transgender and gender diverse (TGD) youth—there has been criticism of the assessment and its recommendations, and concern about how it could be leveraged to more broadly affect public health care. In response, physicians, researchers, and major medical organizations worldwide have emphasized that scientific studies point to the benefits of medical interventions supporting gender affirmation. Indeed, more care innovation is needed, driven by community-led research, to improve the well-being of TGD people in ways that can benefit all of society.



自从 4 月份《卡斯审查》(英国国家医疗服务体系的一项评估,导致跨性别和性别多样化 (TGD) 青少年禁止使用青春期抑制药物)发布以来,该评估及其建议一直受到批评,担心如何利用它来更广泛地影响公共医疗保健。作为回应,世界各地的医生、研究人员和主要医疗组织都强调,科学研究指出了支持性别肯定的医疗干预措施的好处。事实上,需要在社区主导的研究的推动下进行更多的护理创新,以造福全社会的方式改善 TGD 人群的福祉。