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Incidence of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis in children and adolescents in the UK and Republic of Ireland
Rheumatology ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/keae447
Daphne Theresa Chia 1 , Andoni Toms 2 , Anish Sanghrajka 3 , Athimalaipet Ramanan 4, 5 , Orla G Killeen 6 , Cristina Ilea 7 , Kamran Mahmood 8 , Sandrine Compeyrot-Lacassagne 9 , Kathryn Bailey 10 , Neil Martin 11 , Kate Armon 1, 12 , Chenqu Suo 1

Objectives Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO), also known as chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO), is a rare autoinflammatory condition affecting the bones in children and teenagers. The actual incidence of CRMO remains uncertain. The objective of this study is to identify the incidence of CRMO in children and young people under the age of 16 years in the United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland (ROI). We also aim to delineate the demographics, clinical presentation, investigations, initial management and healthcare needs for children and adolescents with CRMO. Methods We conducted monthly surveys among all paediatric consultants and paediatric orthopaedic surgeons to identify patients newly diagnosed with CRMO between October 2020 and November 2022. A standardised questionnaire was sent to reporting clinicians to collect further information. Results Over the surveillance period, 288 patients were reported, among which, 165 confirmed and 20 probable cases were included in the analysis. The highest incidences were among 8–10 year-olds. A two-to-one female-to-male difference in incidence was observed, and male patients were more likely to present with multifocal disease. A negative correlation was observed between reporting clavicular and leg pain. Investigation-wise, 80.0% of patients were reported to have undergone whole-body MRI and 51.1% had bone biopsies. The most common initial treatments were NSAIDs (93.9%) and bisphosphonates (44.8%). Conclusion This study estimates an average annual CRMO incidence of 0.65 cases per 100 000 children and adolescents in the UK and ROI. These findings establish a crucial baseline for ongoing research and improvement in the care of individuals with CRMO.



目标 慢性复发性多灶性骨髓炎 (CRMO),也称为慢性非细菌性骨髓炎 (CNO),是一种影响儿童和青少年骨骼的罕见自身炎症性疾病。 CRMO 的实际发生率仍不确定。本研究的目的是确定英国 (UK) 和爱尔兰共和国 (ROI) 16 岁以下儿童和青少年中 CRMO 的发病率。我们还旨在描述接受 CRMO 的儿童和青少年的人口统计、临床表现、调查、初始管理和医疗保健需求。方法 我们对所有儿科顾问和儿科骨科医生进行了每月调查,以确定 2020 年 10 月至 2022 年 11 月期间新诊断为 CRMO 的患者。向报告临床医生发送标准化调查问卷以收集更多信息。结果 监测期内共报告患者288例,其中确诊病例165例,疑似病例20例纳入分析。 8-10 岁儿童的发病率最高。观察到女性与男性的发病率有二比一的差异,男性患者更有可能出现多灶性疾病。报告的锁骨疼痛和腿部疼痛之间观察到负相关。据报道,80.0% 的患者接受了全身 MRI,51.1% 的患者接受了骨活检。最常见的初始治疗是非甾体抗炎药 (93.9%) 和双膦酸盐 (44.8%)。结论 本研究估计英国和 ROI 的每年平均 CRMO 发病率为每 10 万名儿童和青少年 0.65 例。这些发现为持续研究和改善 CRMO 患者的护理奠定了重要的基线。