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Literacy and signing deaf students: a multi-national scoping review.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-20 , DOI: 10.1093/jdsade/enae023
Hannah Dostal 1 , Jessica Scott 2 , Ana Gediel 1, 3 , Shirley Vilhalva 4 , Camila Gasparin 2

Many literature reviews or other types of reviews (e.g., meta-analyses, scoping reviews) in deaf education research are focused upon primarily or exclusively research that is performed in U.S. contexts or English-speaking contexts only. However, research that is conducted in non-English-speaking, non-U.S. settings that may be more likely to be multilingual, has value for our understanding of how deaf students using multiple languages may develop literacy skills. The objective of this review was to explore the literature on literacy development with deaf learners conducted outside of English-speaking contexts that has been published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. We identified 13 English-language articles, 9 Portuguese-language articles, and 0 Spanish articles that met inclusion criteria. From these articles, we glean important insights into the reading process, including the teaching of subskills of reading, writing instruction, early literacy experiences, and the potential relationship between signed languages and literacy. We also note the need for multiple, converging sources of evidence and the value of an asset-driven approach to understanding deaf learners.



聋人教育研究中的许多文献综述或其他类型的综述(例如荟萃分析、范围界定综述)主要集中于或专门在美国背景或仅英语背景下进行的研究。然而,在非英语国家、非美国环境(可能更可能使用多种语言)进行的研究对于我们了解使用多种语言的聋哑学生如何发展读写能力具有价值。本次综述的目的是探讨在英语环境之外进行的、以英语、葡萄牙语或西班牙语出版的聋哑学习者读写能力发展的文献。我们确定了符合纳入标准的 13 篇英语文章、9 篇葡萄牙语文章和 0 篇西班牙语文章。从这些文章中,我们收集了有关阅读过程的重要见解,包括阅读子技能的教学、写作指导、早期识字经验以及手语和识字之间的潜在关系。我们还注意到需要多种、汇聚的证据来源以及资产驱动方法来理解聋人学习者的价值。