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In-Band Full Duplex
Proceedings of the IEEE ( IF 23.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.1109/jproc.2024.3434189
Ashutosh Sabharwal 1 , Besma Smida 1

The global wireless industry works like clockwork. Every decade, the global community ratifies a new generation of cellular standards relying on advances from the past decades; a similar rhythm drives Wi-Fi standardization. In all standards, cellular and Wi-Fi, a core design principle is that wireless nodescan either transmit or receive in a given frequency band. However, a node cannot simultaneously transmit and receive in the same frequency band due to high self-interference from its own transmitted signal that can drown out the receive signal. As a result, to enable bidirectional communications between nodes, network designs have relied on partitioning time and frequency using a mix of time-division duplex and frequency-division duplex. In short, wireless designs have not considered in-band full duplex (IBFD) as a building block.



全球无线行业的运转就像发条一样。每十年,国际社会就会根据过去几十年的进步批准新一代蜂窝标准;类似的节奏推动了 Wi-Fi 标准化。在所有标准(蜂窝和 Wi-Fi)中,核心设计原则是无线节点可以在给定频段内发送或接收。然而,由于节点自身发送信号的高自干扰可能会淹没接收信号,因此节点无法在同一频段同时发送和接收。因此,为了实现节点之间的双向通信,网络设计依赖于使用时分双工和频分双工的混合来划分时间和频率。简而言之,无线设计并未将带内全双工 (IBFD) 视为构建块。