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“Awful Skinny Boys” – Male Musical Theatre Performers’ Experiences of Body Image: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374241275841
Maria E. Carr 1 , Elisa G. Lewis 1

Body dissatisfaction is likely to be particularly salient in aesthetically focused professions, including the performing arts. However, there is a paucity of research involving male theatre performers. This study addressed this omission by exploring how male musical theatre actors experience body image. Interviews were conducted with 7 male performers and analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Findings illustrate the lasting influence that instructors and the training environment have upon the participants’ perceptions of their bodies, participants’ desire to appear masculine through greater muscularity, and the dissatisfaction that occurs when they perceive that their bodies do not conform to rigid notions of gender and body ideals. This study also provides insight into the nuanced experience of existing within a body of worth, often commodified and sold to audiences. These findings highlight the importance of facilitating a supportive training environment and opening up conversations about body dissatisfaction among male performers.



在以审美为重点的职业中,包括表演艺术,对身体的不满可能尤其突出。然而,涉及男性戏剧演员的研究却很少。这项研究通过探索男性音乐剧演员如何体验身体形象来解决这一遗漏。对 7 名男性表演者进行了采访,并使用反思性主题分析进行了分析。研究结果表明,教练和训练环境对参与者对自己身体的看法、参与者通过增强肌肉表现出男性气质的渴望以及当他们认为自己的身体不符合严格的性别观念时所产生的不满产生持久影响和身体理想。这项研究还提供了对价值体系中存在的微妙体验的洞察,这些价值通常被商品化并出售给观众。这些发现强调了促进支持性训练环境和在男性表演者中开展有关身体不满的对话的重要性。