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The association between trajectories of marital status and successful aging varies by sex: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)
International Social Work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1177/00208728241267791
Mabel Ho 1 , Eleanor Pullenayegum 2 , David Burnes 1 , Esme Fuller-Thomson 1

This study examines the sex-specific impact of marital trajectories among older adults on successful aging to help social workers identify those most at risk for sub-optimal outcomes who may benefit from targeted interventions. Binary logistic regression analyses were used to investigate 7641 older Canadians who were classified as ‘aging successfully’ in the baseline wave of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Men who were continuously married, continuously widowed, or became married between the waves were more likely to age successfully than their never-married counterparts. For women, marital trajectories played a modest role. Social work interventions are discussed.


婚姻状况轨迹与成功老龄化之间的关联因性别而异:加拿大老龄化纵向研究 (CLSA) 的发现

这项研究探讨了老年人婚姻轨迹对成功老龄化的特定性别影响,以帮助社会工作者识别那些最有可能从有针对性的干预措施中受益的次优结果风险的人。采用二元逻辑回归分析对 7641 名加拿大老年人进行了调查,他们在加拿大老龄化纵向研究的基线波中被归类为“成功老龄化”。连续结婚、连续丧偶或在两次浪潮之间结婚的男性比从未结婚的男性更有可能成功老龄化。对于女性来说,婚姻轨迹发挥的作用不大。讨论了社会工作干预措施。