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Nomos aversion and the art of being somewhat governed among Jewish outpost settlers in the West Bank
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.14203
Amir Reicher 1

Since the mid‐1990s, in clandestine co‐operation with state agencies, West Bank settlers have been establishing what have become known as the illegal outpost settlements. These are typically rustic communities located deep inside the frontier. Publicly, outpost residents insist that they want the state to retroactively legalize their communities. This is also the long‐sought goal of the leaders of the settlement movement. However, this article exposes how, in fact, many ‘outpost people’ actively resist and subvert the efforts of their leadership to legalize and subsequently enlarge their communities. They do so, I argue, from a sense of ‘nomos aversion’, which at its heart is a rejection of the law and the state. This article shows how, in this context, with the aim of keeping the state at a safe distance, the on‐the‐ground settlers – who are at the frontlines of settler‐colonial expansion – navigate their ambivalent relationship with the colonial centre by constantly reshaping their social structure between anti‐statist and statist modes. I conceptualize this social technique in terms of the ‘art of being somewhat governed’. By introducing these terms, this article offers an analysis of how an internal rivalry that latently underlies a settler colonial society shapes colonial expansion.



自 20 世纪 90 年代中期以来,西岸定居者与国家机构秘密合作,一直在建立所谓的非法前哨定居点。这些通常是位于边境深处的乡村社区。在公开场合,前哨居民坚称他们希望国家追溯性地将他们的社区合法化。这也是定居点运动领导人长久以来追求的目标。然而,本文揭露了许多“前哨人民”实际上是如何积极抵制和颠覆其领导层合法化并随后扩大其社区的努力的。我认为,他们这样做是出于“诺莫斯厌恶”,其核心是对法律和国家的拒绝。本文展示了在这种背景下,为了与国家保持安全距离,处于定居者殖民扩张前线的当地定居者如何通过不断地与殖民中心保持矛盾的关系来应对。在反国家主义和国家主义模式之间重塑他们的社会结构。我用“存在的艺术”来概念化这种社交技巧有些管辖”。通过介绍这些术语,本文分析了殖民者殖民社会潜在的内部竞争如何塑造殖民扩张。