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Alveolar ridge preservation in posterior maxillary teeth for reduction in the potential need for sinus floor elevation procedures: A pilot study
Clinical Oral Implants Research ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1111/clr.14344
Lisetta Lam 1 , Saso Ivanovski 1, 2 , Ryan S B Lee 1, 2

ObjectivesTo investigate the effects of alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) on ridge height, sinus pneumatization and the potential need for lateral sinus augmentation following extraction in the posterior maxilla.Materials and MethodsThis randomized controlled pilot study included 28 patients requiring extraction in the posterior maxilla with bone height between 6 and 8 mm. The sites were randomly allocated to either unassisted socket healing (Control), ARP with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) (Test 1), or collagen‐stabilized DBBM (Test 2) groups. Pre‐ and post‐operative CTs at 4 months were taken to determine changes in ridge heights, sinus volume, and the need for sinus floor elevation (SFE) procedures for cases where the residual mid‐ridge height was < 5 mm. Site‐level analyses for changes in vertical ridge dimensions and sinus volume pre‐ and post‐extraction/ARP were conducted using paired t‐tests. Differences in mean changes in vertical ridge dimensions and sinus volume between the groups were determined using one‐way ANOVA.ResultsSignificantly greater mean mid‐ridge height reduction occurred in the control group (−2.7 ± 0.9 mm) compared to Test 1 (0.9 ± 3.7 mm) and Test 2 (1.0 ± 2.8 mm) groups (p < .05). No significant changes in mean mid‐ridge height were found in either test groups. Volumetric analysis showed a significantly greater increase in sinus volume in the control group (0.7 ± 0.7 cm3) compared to Test 1 (n = 3, −0.7 ± 0.8 cm3) group (p = .03). 89% of patients in the control group would require lateral window SFE compared to Test 1 (42.8%) and Test 2 (40%) groups.ConclusionARP was effective in attenuating height changes in the middle of the ridge and may reduce sinus pneumatization following extraction in the posterior maxilla. This could potentially decrease the need for more invasive sinus augmentation procedures.



目的探讨牙槽嵴保留 (ARP) 对牙槽嵴高度、鼻窦气化和上颌后牙槽后外侧窦增强的潜在需求的影响。材料和方法这项随机对照试验研究包括 28 例需要在上颌骨后部拔牙的患者,骨高在 6 至 8 mm 之间。这些部位被随机分配到无辅助牙槽愈合 (对照)、具有脱蛋白牛骨矿物质 (DBBM) 的 ARP (测试 1) 或胶原蛋白稳定的 DBBM (测试 2) 组。在 4 个月时进行术前和术后 CT,以确定嵴高度的变化、窦性体积,以及对于残余嵴中高度为 < 5 mm 的病例是否需要窦底抬高 (SFE) 手术。使用配对 t 检验对拔牙前后/ARP 垂直脊尺寸和窦体积变化的站点水平分析。使用单因素方差分析确定两组之间垂直脊尺寸和窦性体积的平均变化的差异。结果与测试 1 (0.9 ±± 3.7 mm) 和测试 2 (1.0 ± 2.8 mm) 组 (p < .05) 相比,对照组 (-2.7 0.9 mm) 的平均中脊高度降低幅度显著更大。在两个测试组中均未发现平均中脊高度的显着变化。体积分析显示,与测试 1 (n = 3, -0.7 ± 0.8 cm3) 组 (p = .03) 相比,对照组 (0.7 ± 0.7 cm3) 的窦性体积增加显著更大。与测试 1 (42.8%) 和测试 2 (40%) 组相比,对照组中有 89% 的患者需要侧窗 SFE。结论ARP 可有效减轻牙槽嵴中部的高度变化,并可能减少上颌骨后拔牙后鼻窦气化。 这可能会减少对更具侵入性的鼻窦增强手术的需求。