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Connecting the tots: Strong looking-pointing correlations in preschoolers' word learning and implications for continuity in language development
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14157
Sarah C Creel 1

How does one assess developmental change when the measures themselves change with development? Most developmental studies of word learning use either looking (infants) or pointing (preschoolers and older). With little empirical evidence of the relationship between the two measures, developmental change is difficult to assess. This paper analyzes 914 pointing, looking children (451 female, varied ethnicities, 2.5–6.5 years, dates: 2009–2019) in 36 word- or sound-learning experiments with two-alternative test trials. Looking proportions and pointing accuracy correlated strongly (r = .7). Counter to the “looks first” hypothesis, looks were not sensitive to incipient knowledge that pointing missed: when pointing is at chance, looking proportions are also. Results suggest one possible path forward for assessing continuous developmental change. Methodological best practices are discussed.



当测量指标本身随着发展而变化时,如何评估发展变化?大多数单词学习的发展研究使用看(婴儿)或指向(学龄前儿童及以上)。由于这两种措施之间关系的经验证据很少,因此很难评估发展变化。本文分析了 914 名指向、长相的儿童(451 名女性,不同种族,2.5-6.5 岁,日期:2009-2019 年),在 36 个单词或声音学习实验中,有两个替代测试试验。观看比例和指向准确性密切相关 (r = .7)。与“看第一”假说相反,看对指向错过的早期知识并不敏感:当指向是偶然的时,看的比例也是。结果为评估持续发展变化提供了一条可能的前进道路。讨论了方法论最佳实践。