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Donor site wound healing following free gingival graft surgery using platelet rich fibrin: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Periodontology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1002/jper.24-0072
Se'quon M H Scott 1 , Julia A Lacy 1 , Archontia A Palaiologou 1 , Georgios A Kotsakis 2 , David E Deas 1 , Brian L Mealey 1

BACKGROUND The primary purpose of this two-arm, parallel design, randomized controlled study is to compare healing of the palatal tissue donor site when platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is used as a wound dressing compared to the use of a hemostatic agent. Secondary outcomes of patient pain perception and analgesic intake were also evaluated. METHODS Seventy-four patients receiving free gingival grafts were randomized to receive either PRF (test) or hemostatic agent (control) as a palatal wound dressing by patients selecting a sealed envelope containing their group assignment (initially 37 envelopes for PRF group and 37 for hemostatic agent group). Patient pain assessment and analgesic consumption were documented using a 21-point numerical scale (NMRS-21) at 24, 48, and 72 hours post-surgery. At 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-week follow-up appointments palatal early healing index (PEHI) scores including wound color, epithelialization, presence or absence of swelling, granulation tissue, and bleeding on gentle palpation were generated by direct intraoral examination by a blinded examiner unaware of the patients' treatment group. RESULTS NMRS-21 pain scores showed a significant reduction in pain over time in both groups, with no significant difference between groups at any time point. No significant between-group difference was found in the amount of analgesics taken by patients at 24, 48, and 72 hours. There was significant improvement in PEHI scores over the 4-week time period in both groups, but there was no significant difference in PEHI score at each time point (1, 2, 3, 4 weeks) between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Study findings suggest that there is no difference in early palatal wound healing, patient pain perception, or analgesic consumption between use of PRF or a hemostatic agent as donor-site wound dressings.



背景 这项双臂、平行设计、随机对照研究的主要目的是比较使用富含血小板的纤维蛋白 (PRF) 作为伤口敷料与使用止血剂时腭组织供体部位的愈合情况。还评估了患者疼痛感知和镇痛药摄入量的次要结局。方法 74 例接受游离牙龈移植物的患者被随机分配接受 PRF (测试) 或止血剂 (对照) 作为腭伤口敷料,患者选择一个包含其组分配的密封信封 (最初 PRF 组 37 个信封,止血剂组 37 个信封)。在术后 24、48 和 72 小时使用 21 点数字量表 (NMRS-21) 记录患者疼痛评估和镇痛药消耗量。在 1 周、 2 周、 3 周和 4 周的随访预约中,腭早期愈合指数 (PEHI) 评分包括伤口颜色、上皮化、是否存在肿胀、肉芽组织和轻触出血,由不了解患者治疗组的盲法检查者直接口内检查产生。结果 NMRS-21 疼痛评分显示,两组的疼痛随时间显著减轻,在任何时间点组间均无显著差异。未发现患者在 24 、 48 和 72 小时服用镇痛药的组间剂量存在显著差异。两组的 PEHI 评分在 4 周内均有显著改善,但各组之间每个时间点 (1 、 2 、 3 、 4 周) 的 PEHI 评分无显著差异。 结论: 研究结果表明,使用 PRF 或止血剂作为供体部位伤口敷料在早期腭伤口愈合、患者疼痛感知或镇痛药消耗方面没有差异。