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From a cultural to a distributive issue: Public climate action as a new field for comparative political economy
Regulation & Governance ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.1111/rego.12620
Hanna Schwander 1 , Jonas Fischer 2

This article reviews recent insights from the blooming Comparative Political Economy (CPE) literature on climate change with the aim to demonstrate the importance of integrating climate change into the field of CPE and to highlight the contributions of CPE to our understanding of the social and political obstacles to effective climate policies. In addition, we advance two key points to bring the CPE literature forward. To tighten the dialogue between the “electoral politics” and “interest group politics” approaches, we propose understanding climate politics as a triadic conflict between losers of climate change, losers of public climate action (PCA), and winners of PCA. Second, we argue that the scope of CPE studies needs expansion. While existing CPE literature predominantly focuses on climate change mitigation, it is essential to consider climate change adaptation due to its significant distributive implications at the macro‐ and micro‐levels of societies.



本文回顾了关于气候变化的比较政治经济学(CPE)文献的最新见解,旨在证明将气候变化纳入 CPE 领域的重要性,并强调 CPE 对我们理解社会和政治障碍的贡献有效的气候政策。此外,我们提出了两个关键点来推动 CPE 文献的发展。为了加强“选举政治”和“利益集团政治”方法之间的对话,我们建议将气候政治理解为气候变化输家、公共气候行动(PCA)输家和PCA赢家之间的三方冲突。其次,我们认为 CPE 研究的范围需要扩大。虽然现有的 CPE 文献主要关注气候变化减缓,但由于气候变化适应对社会宏观和微观层面具有重大的分配影响,因此有必要考虑气候变化适应。