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Prolonged Grief Disorder, but Not Death From COVID-19, Elicits Public Stigma: A Vignette-Based Experiment.
OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1177/00302228241257306
Tamara Zammit 1 , Vincent O Mancini 1, 2, 3 , Carly Reid 1 , Jonathan Singer 4 , Lexy Staniland 5 , Lauren J Breen 1, 5

We investigated the effects of cause of death (COVID-19 with an underlying medical condition vs. without) and prolonged grief disorder status (PGD present or absent) on participants' reported public stigma towards the bereaved. Participants (N = 304, 66% women; Mage = 39.39 years) were randomly assigned to read one of four vignettes describing a bereaved man. Participants completed stigma measures assessing negative attributions, desired social distance, and emotional reactions. Participants reported significantly stronger stigmatizing responses towards an individual with PGD (vs. without PGD) across all stigma measures. There was no significant difference in stigma based on cause of death; however, stigma was reported regardless of cause of death. There was no significant interaction between cause of death and PGD on stigma. This study supports the robust finding of public stigma being reported toward an individual with PGD, suggesting these individuals are at risk of public stigma and not receiving adequate bereavement support.


长期的悲伤症,但不是死于 COVID-19,引起了公众的耻辱:基于小插图的实验。

我们调查了死亡原因(有基础疾病的 COVID-19 与无基础疾病的情况)和长期悲伤障碍状态(存在或不存在 PGD)对参与者报告的公众对死者家属的耻辱的影响。参与者(N = 304,其中 66% 为女性;法师 = 39.39 岁)被随机分配阅读描述一名失去亲人的男子的四个小插图之一。参与者完成了耻辱测量,评估负面归因、期望的社交距离和情绪反应。参与者报告称,在所有污名化措施中,对进行 PGD 的个人(与未进行 PGD 的个人相比)的污名化反应明显更强。根据死因,耻辱感没有显着差异;然而,无论死因为何,都存在耻辱。死亡原因与 PGD 之间的耻辱感之间没有显着的交互作用。这项研究支持了关于接受 PGD 的个人受到公众耻辱的有力发现,表明这些人面临公众耻辱的风险,并且没有得到足够的丧亲支持。