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LGBTQ+ Sociopolitical Engagement: Examining the Role of House Ball Community Involvement and LGBTQ+ Community Connection.
Social Work ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-21 , DOI: 10.1093/sw/swae028
Joy Green 1 , Jeremy J Gibbs 2

Recent events such as the Black Lives Matter movement, COVID-19, and political elections have highlighted the power of a socially and politically engaged society. One under-researched cultural pillar at the core of sociopolitical resistance for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people of color (POC) has been the House Ball Community, a dynamic subculture made up of intricate social networks. This study uses data collected for the Social Justice Sexuality Project (N = 246) to examine LGBTQ+ community connection and House Ball Community involvement as predictors of LGBTQ+ and intersectional LGBTQ+ sociopolitical engagement. Two continuous variables, community connection and sociopolitical engagement (consisting of separate scales about LGBTQ+ individuals and LGBTQ+ POC), were included in the analysis. Multivariate linear regression analyses were performed to examine the relationships between these variables. While community connection was significantly associated with both scales of sociopolitical engagement, House Ball involvement was only associated with intersectional LGBTQ+ sociopolitical engagement. Relative to community connection, House Ball involvement was more strongly associated with intersectional LGBTQ+ sociopolitical engagement. Findings suggest that House Ball involvement may influence behavior for LGBTQ+ POC. Authors discuss implications for intersectionality in social movements and culturally responsive direct, community, and systems-level social work practice within the current U.S. sociopolitical landscape.


LGBTQ+ 社会政治参与:审视 House Ball 社区参与和 LGBTQ+ 社区联系的作用。

最近发生的“黑人生命也是命”运动、新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 和政治选举等事件凸显了积极参与社会和政治的社会的力量。 House Ball 社区是女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者和酷儿 (LGBTQ+) 有色人种 (POC) 社会政治抵抗核心的一个未被充分研究的文化支柱,这是一种由错综复杂的社交网络组成的动态亚文化。本研究使用社会正义性项目 (N = 246) 收集的数据来检验 LGBTQ+ 社区联系和 House Ball 社区参与,作为 LGBTQ+ 和跨部门 LGBTQ+ 社会政治参与的预测因素。分析中包括两个连续变量:社区联系和社会政治参与(由 LGBTQ+ 个体和 LGBTQ+ POC 的单独量表组成)。进行多元线性回归分析来检查这些变量之间的关系。虽然社区联系与这两种社会政治参与程度均显着相关,但众议院舞会的参与仅与 LGBTQ+ 跨界社会政治参与相关。相对于社区联系,众议院舞会的参与与 LGBTQ+ 跨界社会政治参与的相关性更强。研究结果表明,House Ball 的参与可能会影响 LGBTQ+ POC 的行为。作者讨论了当前美国社会政治格局中社会运动的交叉性以及文化响应的直接、社区和系统层面的社会工作实践的影响。