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Oxidation of nickel concentrates in simulated reaction shaft conditions of the flash smelter
Minerals Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108921
Min Chen , Dmitry Sukhomlinov , Pekka Taskinen , David Grimsey , Anthony Rich , Ari Jokilaakso

The suspension oxidation of nickel sulfide concentrates in flash smelting conditions was studied using a laboratory-scale laminar flow furnace. The effects of temperature (800–1100 °C) and oxygen concentration (40–85 vol%) in the process gas were investigated. The surface morphology and mineralogical compositions of samples were examined using scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The sulfur removal from concentrates was determined using chemical analysis assuming iron as a non-volatile component. It was found that ignition of the nickel concentrates started at a temperature below 800 °C. The sulfur removal from the sieved concentrates increased with increasing temperature. The oxidation was initiated with preferential oxidation of iron in sulfides forming an iron oxide-rich scale on sulfidic core.



使用实验室规模的层流炉研究了闪速熔炼条件下硫化镍精矿的悬浮氧化。研究了工艺气体中温度 (800–1100 °C) 和氧气浓度 (40–85 vol%) 的影响。使用配备能量色散 X 射线光谱仪的扫描电子显微镜检查样品的表面形态和矿物成分。假定铁为非挥发性成分,使用化学分析确定精矿中硫的去除量。发现镍精矿的着火在低于 800 °C 的温度下开始。筛分精矿中硫的去除量随着温度的升高而增加。氧化是通过硫化物中铁的优先氧化而引发的,在硫化物核上形成富含氧化铁的垢。