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Population mental health science: Guiding principles and initial agenda.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-03 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001334
Kenneth A Dodge 1 , Mitchell J Prinstein 2 , Arthur C Evans 2 , Isaac L Ahuvia 3 , Kiara Alvarez 4 , Rinad S Beidas 5 , Ashanti J Brown 6 , Pim Cuijpers 7 , Ellen-Ge Denton 8 , Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood 9 , Christina Johnson 5 , Alan E Kazdin 10 , Riley McDanal 3 , Isha W Metzger 6 , Sonia N Rowley 11 , Jessica Schleider 5 , Daniel S Shaw 11

A recent American Psychological Association Summit provided an urgent call to transform psychological science and practice away from a solely individual-level focus to become accountable for population-level impact on health and mental health. A population focus ensures the mental health of all children, adolescents, and adults and the elimination of inequities across groups. Science must guide three components of this transformation. First, effective individual-level interventions must be scaled up to the population level using principles from implementation science, investing in novel intervention delivery systems (e.g., online, mobile application, text, interactive voice response, and machine learning-based), harnessing the strength of diverse providers, and forging culturally informed adaptations. Second, policy-driven community-level interventions must be innovated and tested, such as public efforts to promote physical activity, public policies to support families in early life, and regulation of corporal punishment in schools. Third, transformation is needed to create a new system of universal primary care for mental health, based on models such as Family Connects, Triple P, PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience, Communities That Care, and the Early Childhood Collaborative of the Pittsburgh Study. This new system must incorporate valid measurement, universal screening, and a community-based infrastructure for service delivery. Addressing tasks ahead, including scientific creativity and discovery, rigorous evaluation, and community accountability, will lead to a comprehensive strategic plan to shape the emergent field of public mental health. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



最近的美国心理学会峰会紧急呼吁将心理科学和实践从仅仅关注个人层面转变为对人口层面的健康和心理健康影响负责。以人口为重点可确保所有儿童、青少年和成人的心理健康,并消除群体之间的不平等。科学必须指导这一转变的三个组成部分。首先,必须利用实施科学的原理,将有效的个人干预措施扩大到人口水平,投资新颖的干预实施系统(例如在线、移动应用程序、文本、交互式语音应答和基于机器学习的系统),利用多元化提供者的力量,并打造文化背景下的适应。其次,政策驱动的社区干预措施必须进行创新和检验,例如促进身体活动的公共努力、支持家庭早期生活的公共政策以及对学校体罚的监管。第三,需要进行转型,建立一个新的普遍初级心理健康初级保健体系,其基础是家庭联系、Triple P、促进学校-社区-大学伙伴关系以增强复原力、关怀社区和儿童早期合作等模式。匹兹堡研究。这个新系统必须包含有效的测量、通用筛查和基于社区的服务提供基础设施。解决未来的任务,包括科学创造力和发现、严格评估和社区问责,将制定一项全面的战略计划,塑造公共心理健康的新兴领域。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。