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"It's like having a superpower": Reclaiming creativity and the intersectional experiences of trans young adults of color.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-03 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000737
M V Pease 1 , Naru Kang 1 , Garden Oluwakemi 1 , Lily Jin 2 , Benjamin Bradshaw 3 , Thomas P Le 4

Trans young adults of color experience systemic harm that contributes to negative health outcomes and hinders their ability to live freely. The present study used a grounded theory qualitative methodology rooted in a critical-ideological paradigm to understand the intersections of racial and gender oppression. Trans young adults of color from across the United States (N = 15; ages 20-29; majority racial identities: Asian, Black, and multiracial; majority gender identities: nonbinary and transmasculine) participated in a semistructured interview. Analyses identified a six-category empirical framework explaining major dimensions and processes of intersectional experiences of trans people of color. The core category, Reclaiming Creativity, reflected how trans communities of color use creativity to build their identities and communities beyond intersectional oppressive societal norms and imagine a better, more liberated world. The remaining five categories were Creating and Recreating Identity, Experiencing Discrimination and Its Impacts on Wellness, Surviving Oppression and Compromising Authentic Self, Embracing Identity Strengths, and Finding Liberation. They provided insights into the role of creativity within the intersectional experiences of trans young adults of color. In doing so, they provided directions to address structural injustice, pursue liberation, and allow creativity to flourish. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



有色人种的跨性别年轻人会遭受系统性伤害,这会导致负面的健康结果并阻碍他们自由生活的能力。本研究使用植根于批判意识形态范式的扎根理论定性方法来理解种族和性别压迫的交叉点。来自美国各地的有色人种跨性别年轻人(N = 15;年龄 20-29;主要种族身份:亚洲人、黑人和多种族;主要性别身份:非二元性别和跨男性)参与了半结构化访谈。分析确定了一个六类实证框架,解释了有色人种跨性别者交叉经历的主要维度和过程。核心类别“回收创造力”反映了跨性别有色人种社区如何利用创造力来超越交叉压迫的社会规范来建立自己的身份和社区,并想象一个更美好、更自由的世界。剩下的五个类别是创造和再创造身份、经历歧视及其对健康的影响、摆脱压迫和妥协真实的自我、拥抱身份优势和寻求解放。他们深入探讨了创造力在跨性别有色人种年轻人的交叉经历中的作用。在此过程中,他们为解决结构性不公正、追求解放和让创造力蓬勃发展提供了方向。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。