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Barriers Experienced by First Nations Deaf People in the Justice System.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-20 , DOI: 10.1093/jdsade/enae021
Brent C Elder 1 , Karen Soldatić 2 , Michael A Schwartz 3 , Jody Barney 4 , Damien Howard 5 , Patrick McGee 4

Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that members of the First Nations Deaf community experience more barriers when engaging with the criminal justice system than those who are not deaf. Therefore, our purpose for writing this article is to highlight legal and policy issues related to First Nations Deaf people, including perspectives of professionals working with these communities, living in Australia who have difficulty in accessing supports within the criminal justice system. In this article, we present data from semi-structured qualitative interviews focused on four key themes: (a) indefinite detention and unfit to plead, (b) a need for an intersectional approach to justice, (c) applying the maximum extent of the law while minimizing social services-related resources, and (d) the need for language access and qualified sign language interpreters. Through this article and the related larger sustaining project, we seek to center the experiences and needs of First Nations Deaf communities to render supports for fair, just, and equitable access in the Australian criminal justice system to this historically marginalized group.



轶事证据强烈表明,原住民聋人社区成员在参与刑事司法系统时比非聋人遇到更多障碍。因此,我们撰写本文的目的是强调与原住民聋人相关的法律和政策问题,包括与这些社区一起工作、居住在澳大利亚、难以获得刑事司法系统内的支持的专业人士的观点。在本文中,我们提供了来自半结构化定性访谈的数据,重点关注四个关键主题:(a) 无限期拘留和不适合辩护,(b) 需要采取跨部门的司法方法,(c) 最大限度地运用法,同时最大限度地减少与社会服务相关的资源,以及 (d) 对语言获取和合格手语翻译的需求。通过本文和相关的大型维持项目,我们力求集中原住民聋人社区的经验和需求,为这一历史上被边缘化的群体在澳大利亚刑事司法系统中提供公平、公正和公平的机会。