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"Too much of a burden": Lived experiences of depressive rumination in early adulthood.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000740
Delia Ciobotaru 1 , Christina J Jones 1 , Roi Cohen Kadosh 1 , Ines R Violante 1 , Mark Cropley 1

Rumination is an established transdiagnostic factor in mental illness, but there remains a significant gap in understanding the subjective experiences of those affected by it. This study explored the lived experiences of depressive rumination in early adulthood, a population notably susceptible to its effects. We interviewed 20 participants aged between 18 and 35 years using a semistructured approach and generated five distinct but interconnected themes using reflective thematic analysis. The first theme delved into recurrent narratives of past traumas and unresolved pain, with participants unable to move on from their past. The second theme illustrated how participants, due to real or perceived pressure, often equated their self-worth with their ability to meet expectations, leading to a distorted self-view and diminished self-esteem. The third theme captured the relentless pursuit of mental peace, with tranquility remaining ever elusive despite the frequent use of distraction. The fourth theme highlighted the profound isolation stemming from internalized mental health stigma, with participants grappling with fears of being perceived as burdensome and facing rejection from their close ones. Finally, the fifth theme underscored the far-reaching and interconnected repercussions of rumination on mental, emotional, and physical health and individuals' ability to achieve their life goals. These findings emphasize the intertwined nature of psychological, physiological, and social risk factors for the development and maintenance of rumination, advocating for a holistic treatment approach to rumination and paving the way for more timely, tailored care. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



沉思是精神疾病中一个既定的跨诊断因素,但在理解受其影响的人的主观体验方面仍然存在很大差距。这项研究探讨了成年早期抑郁沉思的生活经历,这一人群特别容易受到其影响。我们使用半结构化方法采访了 20 名年龄在 18 岁至 35 岁之间的参与者,并使用反思性主题分析生成了五个不同但相互关联的主题。第一个主题深入探讨了过去创伤和未解决的痛苦的反复叙述,参与者无法摆脱过去。第二个主题说明了参与者如何由于真实或感知的压力而经常将自我价值与满足期望的能力等同起来,从而导致自我观扭曲和自尊心下降。第三个主题抓住了对精神平静的不懈追求,尽管经常使用分心的方法,但平静仍然难以捉摸。第四个主题强调了由于内在的心理健康耻辱而产生的深刻孤立,参与者担心被视为负担并面临亲人的拒绝。最后,第五个主题强调了反思对精神、情感和身体健康以及个人实现人生目标的能力所产生的深远且相互关联的影响。这些发现强调了反刍思维发展和维持的心理、生理和社会风险因素相互交织的性质,提倡对反刍思维采取整体治疗方法,并为更及时、量身定制的护理铺平道路。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。