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Differential etiologic associations of heroin use and prescription opioid misuse with psychopathology.
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1037/abn0000921
Genevieve F Dash 1 , Ian R Gizer 1 , Nicholas G Martin 2 , Wendy S Slutske 3

Patterns of association with externalizing and internalizing features differ across heroin use and prescription opioid misuse (POM). The present study examined whether heroin use and POM display differential etiologic overlap with symptoms of conduct disorder (CD), adult antisocial behavior (AAB), and major depressive episodes (MDEs), how aggregating heroin use and POM into a single phenotype may bias results, and explored potential sex differences. Seven thousand one hundred and sixty-four individual twins from the Australian Twin Registry (ATR; 59.81% female; Mage = 30.58 years) reported lifetime heroin use, POM, CD symptoms, AABs, and MDE symptoms within a semi-structured interview. Biometric models decomposed phenotypic variance and covariance into additive genetic, common environmental, and unique environmental effects. The proportion of variance in heroin use attributable to factors shared with CD, AAB, and MDE, respectively, was 41%, 41%, and 0% for men and 26%, 19%, and 42% for women; for POM, the proportions were 33%, 35%, and 20% for men and 15%, 9%, and 13% for women. CD and AAB were more strongly genetically correlated with heroin use among women and with POM among men. MDE was more strongly genetically correlated with POM than with heroin use among men, but more strongly genetically correlated with heroin use than with POM among women. Analyses using an aggregate opioid (mis)use variable were biased toward POM, which was the more prevalent phenotype. Magnitude and source of etiologic influence may differ across forms of opioid (mis)use and sex. Disaggregating heroin use and POM in future opioid research may be warranted. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



与外化和内化特征的关联模式因海洛因使用和处方阿片类药物滥用 (POM) 而异。本研究检查了海洛因使用和 POM 是否与品行障碍 (CD) 、成人反社会行为 (AAB) 和重度抑郁发作 (MDE) 的症状表现出不同的病因重叠,将海洛因使用和 POM 聚合为单一表型如何使结果产生偏倚,并探讨了潜在的性别差异。来自澳大利亚双胞胎登记处 (ATR;59.81% 为女性;Mage = 30.58 岁)在半结构化访谈中报告了终生使用海洛因、POM、CD 症状、AAB 和 MDE 症状。生物识别模型将表型方差和协方差分解为加性遗传、常见环境和独特环境效应。归因于 CD、AAB 和 MDE 共享因素的海洛因使用差异比例分别为男性 41%、41% 和 0%,女性为 26%、19% 和 42%;对于 POM,男性的比例为 33% 、 35% 和 20%,女性的比例为 15% 、 9% 和 13%。CD 和 AAB 与女性海洛因使用和男性 POM 的遗传相关性更强。在男性中,MDE 与 POM 的遗传相关性比与海洛因使用更强,但在女性中,MDE 与 POM 的遗传相关性比与 POM 的相关性更强。使用聚合阿片类药物 (mis) use 变量的分析偏向于 POM,这是更普遍的表型。病因影响的程度和来源可能因阿片类药物(误用)和性行为的不同形式而异。在未来的阿片类药物研究中,可能需要将海洛因使用和 POM 分开。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。