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Statistical Distributions of Plasma Density and Pressure in the Jovian Plasma Sheet
The Astrophysical Journal ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad58dd
Haobo Fu , Chao Yue , Qianli Ma , M. Blanc , Q.-G. Zong , Xuzhi Zhou , B. H. Mauk , Zhiyang Liu

The Jovian plasma sheet is a key region of the Jovian magnetosphere populated by a mix of warm and hot plasma. It is the main channel for radial transport of mass and energy in the Jovian magnetosphere and provides a favorable environment for magnetic reconnection and wave–particle interactions although the understanding of its plasma properties is incomplete. This study combines observations from the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment and Juno Energetic Particle Detector Instrument on board the Juno spacecraft during its first 31 orbits to analyze the plasma properties of the Jovian plasma sheet from 20 R J to 100 R J. Our results indicate that the plasma number density decreases from 1 cm−3 at 20 R J to 0.005 cm−3 at 100 R J, while the plasma pressure decreases from 2 nPa at 20 R J to 0.02 nPa at 100 R J. The plasma pressure inside the plasma sheet is comparable to the magnetic pressure in the lobe region, suggesting a rough balance between the two. In the plasma sheet with r > 70 R J, the H+ density and pressure remain relatively constant, likely due to other plasma sources such as the solar wind. Additionally, we find that the pressure (density) ratios for heavy ions between the center and the edge of the plasma sheet are generally an order of magnitude, while that for H+ decreases with radial distance. These findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the plasma properties of the Jovian plasma sheet.



木星等离子体片是木星磁层的一个关键区域,由热等离子体和热等离子体混合组成。它是木星磁层中质量和能量径向传输的主要通道,并为磁重联和波粒相互作用提供了有利的环境,尽管对其等离子体特性的了解还不完整。这项研究结合了朱诺号航天器上的木星极光分布实验和朱诺高能粒子探测器仪器在其前 31 条轨道上的观测结果,分析了从 20 R J到 100 R J的木星等离子体片的等离子体特性。我们的结果表明,等离子体数密度从20 R J时的1 cm -3降低到100 R J时的0.005 cm -3 ,而等离子体压力从20 R J时的2 nPa 降低到100 R J时的0.02 nPa。等离子体片内部的等离子体压力与波瓣区域的磁压力相当,表明两者之间大致平衡。在 r > 70 R J的等离子体片中,H +密度和压力保持相对恒定,这可能是由于其他等离子体源(例如太阳风)的影响。此外,我们发现等离子体片中心和边缘之间的重离子压力(密度)比通常是一个数量级,而H + 的压力(密度)比随着径向距离的增加而减小。这些发现有助于更全面地了解木星等离子体片的等离子体特性。