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Child and Adolescent Manganese Biomarkers and Adolescent Postural Balance in Marietta CARES Cohort Participants.
Environmental Health Perspectives ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 , DOI: 10.1289/ehp13381
Danielle E McBride 1 , Amit Bhattacharya 2 , Heidi Sucharew 3 , Kelly J Brunst 2 , Mary Barnas 4 , Cyndy Cox 2 , Lorenna Altman 2 , Timothy J Hilbert 2 , Jeff Burkle 2, 5 , Susan Westneat 1 , Kaitlin Vollet Martin 1 , Patrick J Parsons 6, 7 , Meredith L Praamsma 6, 7 , Christopher D Palmer 6, 7 , Kurunthachalam Kannan 6, 7 , Donald R Smith 8 , Robert Wright 9 , Chitra Amarasiriwardena 9 , Kim N Dietrich 2 , Kim M Cecil 2, 10 , Erin N Haynes 1

BACKGROUND Manganese (Mn) plays a significant role in both human health and global industries. Epidemiological studies of exposed populations demonstrate a dose-dependent association between Mn and neuromotor effects ranging from subclinical effects to a clinically defined syndrome. However, little is known about the relationship between early life Mn biomarkers and adolescent postural balance. OBJECTIVES This study investigated the associations between childhood and adolescent Mn biomarkers and adolescent postural balance in participants from the longitudinal Marietta Communities Actively Researching Exposures Study (CARES) cohort. METHODS Participants were recruited into CARES when they were 7-9 y old, and reenrolled at 13-18 years of age. At both time points, participants provided samples of blood, hair, and toenails that were analyzed for blood Mn and lead (Pb), serum cotinine, hair Mn, and toenail Mn. In adolescence, participants completed a postural balance assessment. Greater sway indicates postural instability (harmful effect), whereas lesser sway indicates postural stability (beneficial effect). Multivariable linear regression models were conducted to investigate the associations between childhood and adolescent Mn biomarkers and adolescent postural balance adjusted for age, sex, height-weight ratio, parent/caregiver intelligence quotient, socioeconomic status, blood Pb, and serum cotinine. RESULTS CARES participants who completed the adolescent postural balance assessment (n=123) were 98% White and 54% female and had a mean age of 16 y (range: 13-18 y). In both childhood and adolescence, higher Mn biomarker concentrations were significantly associated with greater adolescent sway measures. Supplemental analyses revealed sex-specific associations; higher childhood Mn biomarker concentrations were significantly associated with greater sway in females compared with males. DISCUSSION This study found childhood and adolescent Mn biomarkers were associated with subclinical neuromotor effects in adolescence. This study demonstrates postural balance as a sensitive measure to assess the association between Mn biomarkers and neuromotor function. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13381.



背景技术锰(Mn)在人类健康和全球工业中发挥着重要作用。对暴露人群的流行病学研究表明,锰与神经运动效应(从亚临床效应到临床定义的综合征)之间存在剂量依赖性关联。然而,人们对生命早期锰生物标志物与青少年姿势平衡之间的关系知之甚少。目的 本研究调查了纵向玛丽埃塔社区积极研究暴露研究 (CARES) 队列参与者的儿童和青少年锰生物标志物与青少年姿势平衡之间的关联。方法 参与者在 7-9 岁时被招募到 CARES,并在 13-18 岁时重新加入。在这两个时间点,参与者提供了血液、头发和脚趾甲样本,分析了血液 Mn 和铅 (Pb)、血清可替宁、头发 Mn 和脚趾甲 Mn。在青春期,参与者完成了姿势平衡评估。较大的摇摆表明姿势不稳定(有害影响),而较小的摇摆表明姿势稳定(有益影响)。采用多变量线性回归模型来研究儿童和青少年锰生物标志物与青少年姿势平衡之间的关联,并根据年龄、性别、身高体重比、父母/照顾者智商、社会经济状况、血铅和血清可替宁进行调整。结果 完成青少年姿势平衡评估的 CARES 参与者 (n=123) 中有 98% 是白人,54% 是女性,平均年龄为 16 岁(范围:13-18 岁)。在儿童期和青春期,较高的锰生物标志物浓度与较大的青少年摇摆测量值显着相关。 补充分析揭示了性别特异性关联;与男性相比,儿童期锰生物标志物浓度较高与女性的摇摆程度更大显着相关。讨论 这项研究发现儿童和青少年的锰生物标志物与青春期的亚临床神经运动效应相关。这项研究证明姿势平衡是评估锰生物标志物与神经运动功能之间关联的敏感指标。 https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13381。